More than 5,000 deaths of traffic accidents in the first half this year

July 01, 2024 - 14:16
From 15 May to 14 June alone there were 1,894 accidents nationwide, resulting in 849 deaths and 1,373 injuries.
A scene of a serious accident earlier this month. VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI – There were 12,321 traffic accidents, resulting in 5,255 deaths and 9,599 injuries nationwide in the first half this year, reported the National Traffic Safety Committee.

Although the number of traffic accidents across the country increased, the number of deaths significantly decreased compared to the same period last year, the committee said.

“Compared to the first six months of 2023, traffic accidents increased by 1,842 cases, up 17.58 per cent, deaths decreased by 702 people, down 11.78 per cent, and injuries increased by 2,707 people, up 39.28 per cent,” said Trần Hữu Minh, the committee’s head.

Out of these, there were 12,225 road traffic accidents, causing 5,191 deaths and 9,584 injuries.

Railways experienced 66 accidents, resulting in 48 deaths and ten injuries, waterways had 27 accidents, leading to 15 deaths and five injuries and at sea, there were three accidents, causing one death.

This year alone, from 15 May to 14 June 2024, there were 1,894 accidents across Việt Nam, resulting in 849 deaths and 1,373 injuries, an increase of 140 cases (up 7.98 per cent), a decrease in deaths by 92 (down 9.78 per cent) and an increase of accidents causing injuries of 194 (up 16.45 per cent), respectively, compared to the same period last year. VNS
