Symposium discusses pain management

November 26, 2023 - 00:00
Pain management was the main discussion topic of a scientific conference, entitled "Pain management in Việt Nam - Current situation and solutions," in Hà Nội on November 25.


The first congress of the Vietnam Association of Pain Study in Hà Nội on November 25. — VNS Photo Thanh Hải

HÀ NỘI — Pain management was the main topic of discussion at a scientific conference, entitled "Pain management in Việt Nam - Current situation and solutions," in Hà Nội on November 25.

Participants at the event were told that pain is not just a symptom but also a major problem that affects health and quality of life. Pain also is the most common reason patients seek medical care and strengthening research for improving the effectiveness of pain management will contribute to improving the quality of patient care and treatment in Việt Nam.

The conference was an opportunity for scientists to share studies and valuable experience as well as shaping new directions in pain research with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of treatment and bringing practical benefits to patients.

The event is under the framework of the first congress of the establishment of the Vietnam Pain Study Association, gathering leading health experts from various medical facilities nationwide.

Headquartered in Hà Nội, the Vietnam Pain Study Association is under the management of the Government, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Health, and relevant ministries, departments and branches. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Văn Chương was elected President of the Vietnam Pain Study Association for the term 2023-2028.

The establishment of the Vietnam Pain Study Association will be a gathering place for scientists to research, guide, cooperate and support each other to improve their professional qualifications in the field of pain control to contribute to the cause of pain caring for and protecting the health of people throughout the country, helping Việt Nam's pain management and research field to develop strongly both domestically and in international co-operation.

In the first term 2023 - 28, the association will focus on well-implementing professional activities, international cooperation activities and training and scientific research activities. It will also organise basic pain management classes as well as invite experts from the International Association for the Study of Pain to open training classes to update knowledge and improve skills for Vietnamese members.

At the same time, the establishment of the Vietnam Pain Study Association is also a necessary milestone to begin the process of approaching, learning and integrating with the International Association for the Study of Pain and international experts in the world. — VNS
