Female scientists receive Kovalevskaia Award for outstanding achievements

March 08, 2023 - 07:29
Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính presented them with the Kovalevskaia Award on behalf of the award committee.
PM Chính with female scientists who have made outstanding achievements in Hà Nội yesterday. VNA/VNS Photo 

HÀ NỘI — Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính yesterday praised the contributions of female scientists while presenting the Kovalevskaia Award to those who have made outstanding achievements ahead of International Women’s Day in Hà Nội.

The ten scientists honoured are from the Hanoi University of Pharmacy, along with Professor Doctor Lê Minh Thắng, senior lecturer at the School of Chemical Engineering under Hanoi University of Science and Technology.

PM Chính presented them with the Kovalevskaia Award on behalf of the award committee. This prestigious national award honours female scientists whose research and application of science have contributed to the accomplishments in the renewal period.

During the meeting, delegates agreed that Vietnamese women had been provided more favourable conditions to thrive in many aspects of life.

The representation of women in politics had increased, with many assuming leadership roles in political parties and government. Additionally, there had been a rise in female intellectuals involved in scientific research.

Women working in various fields, including farming, arts, civil servants, teaching, lawyers, and entrepreneurs, had made increasing and lasting contributions to society.

Female leaders of the central agencies at the meeting expressed their determination to implement policies and goals of the Party and government, especially those related to women, contributing to the country’s prosperity towards progress, happiness and equality for women.

At the meeting, PM Chính expressed his best wishes to Vietnamese heroic mothers and all women of Việt Nam.

Vietnamese women had shown their good qualities, proactiveness and creativity. They had done great jobs in national affairs and domestic work, making great contributions to the cause of national construction and defence.

Despite difficulties, the country had reaped certain achievements in gender equality, he said.

The rate of females in political organisations and government increased, with more than 30.3 per cent of National Assembly deputies women, making Việt Nam rank 64th globally and fourth in Asia.

The rate of key women leaders in ministries and ministerial-level agencies was 50 per cent, close to the target set for 2025.

The PM also noted that public awareness of gender equality was still limited. Several women still face difficulties accessing new knowledge, especially those in rural, remote mountainous areas and ethnic minority groups.

He said that many female labourers working abroad or getting married to foreigners also encountered many risks. There were still limitations in caring for women’s health and infrastructure for female workers in industrial zones.

He ordered relevant authorities to implement the Party’s directions and policies on women’s issues and gender equality, as well as the national strategy on gender equality for 2021 – 2030, three national target programmes related to women's work and gender equality. VNS

