Hà Nội, Giáp Bát train stations to be relocated for urban railway line

August 25, 2022 - 08:52
The Yên Viên-Ngọc Hồi urban railway line project has a total investment of over VNĐ81.5 trillion (US$3.48 billion).


A view of Hà Nội station. — VNA/VNS Photo

 HÀ NỘI — The railway infrastructure of Hà Nội and Giáp Bát train stations will be relocated to make room for the Yên Viên-Ngọc Hồi urban railway line, according to the Transport Ministry.

In a written reply to Hà Nội voters’ question on the construction pace of the Ngọc Hồi station complex, the ministry said the Hà Nội People’s Committee will be the main investor of the Yên Viên-Ngọc Hồi line and will be responsible for the depot area of the line.

The transport ministry has instructed the Railway Project Management Board to hand over documents on the Yên Viên-Ngọc Hồi project to Hà Nội authorities to speed up the project.

As the Hà Nội and Giáp Bát stations will change from being national railway terminals to metro stations, the ministry will cooperate with authorities to relocate the national railway infrastructure at the two stations to make room for the Yên Viên-Ngọc Hồi project.

The first stage of the Yên Viên-Ngọc Hồi project was approved to be implemented from 2007 to 2017.

In 2017, adjustments to the project were approved, under which it will be carried out from 2017 to 2024. The project has a total investment of over VNĐ81.5 trillion (US$3.48 billion). — VNS
