NA scrutinises draft laws on health facilities, treatment

June 14, 2022 - 08:05
National Assembly (NA) deputies yesterday looked at ways to improve nationwide health facilities and treatment methods.


Deputy Prime Minister Vũ Đức Đam at the National Assembly meeting yesterday morning. VNA/VNS Photo Phạm Kiên

HÀ NỘI – National Assembly (NA) deputies yesterday looked at ways to improve nationwide health facilities and treatment methods.

The wide-ranging discussions were in relation to the draft Law on Medical Examination and Treatment (amended) during the 15th NA’s ongoing third session.

Among the items raised were which department should handle the issuance of medical licences, laying out more detailed criteria for medical schools, and expanding family treatment models to improve capacity and reduce overcrowding at health centres.

The making of the draft law aims to institutionalise the Party’s policies; address shortcomings and limitations of the existing law, deal with newly arising issues to increase the quality of medical services towards fairness, quality, effectiveness, development, and international integration; and strengthen the validity, efficiency, order, and discipline of State management over health check-ups and treatment.

The draft law includes 10 chapters and 102 articles, one chapter more than the existing one.

Regarding the granting, suspension and revocation of medical practice licences, Phạm Thị Kiều, delegate from Đắk Lắk Province, said the National Medical Council was assigned with great tasks such as advising on institutional and policy development on health, medical examination and treatment; and solving professional problems.

The issuance of licences should be assigned to State agencies or independent organisations instead of the medical council, Kiều said.

Many delegates agreed that the licensing should be assigned to the Ministry of Health or local health departments. 

The country now has 27 medical schools with different admission score and training quality. 

However, the current regulations do not have criteria to define the quality among these schools, delegate Nguyễn Thị Mai Hoa from Đồng Tháp Province said. 

Therefore, it is necessary to have accurate and fair general ability exams. The ability test will be a breakthrough to create a driving force for comprehensive innovation in medical training, she added.

The organisation of the tests needs to be serious, accurate, and objective.

The law drafting board should also study and clearly define the role and activities of the National Medical Council, Hoa said, adding that it should operate as an independent agency from the Ministry of Health and only in charge of the medical profession.

After listening to delegates' opinions, Deputy Prime Minister Vũ Đức Đam, said the Government will direct the Ministry of Health and the law drafting board to carefully study all opinions to have optimal regulations in the next draft law, which will be submitted to the National Assembly.

Many issues in the law will also continue to be studied to better protect people's health and lives, and use more effectively the State budget and Health Insurance Fund, he said.

Policies related to disadvantaged groups, including people from ethnic groups, and remote areas will also be focused on, as well as better policies to ensure the interests of patients as well as the medical staff.

The Deputy Prime Minister emphasised that it is necessary to have a suitable roadmap to organise examinations and grant medical practice certificates in accordance with the process of administrative reform and to avoid bottlenecks during implementation.

Regarding the grassroots health care system, the Deputy Prime Minister said the government has directed the Ministry of Health to study the experience of the World Health Organization and world classify patients to suitable healthcare facilities.

Family medicine models also need to be expanded to improve the capacity of primary healthcare, he said. 

The Deputy Prime Minister also asked for strengthened management over the medical service prices at state-owned and private medical examination and treatment establishments.

Deputy Prime Minister said he will also direct the Ministry of Health to closely coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications and relevant ministries to clarify all regulations related to the digital transformation in the health sector. VNS
