Party General Secretary and President Tô Lâm’s trip to the UN and US: strengthening Việt Nam’s global role

September 27, 2024 - 13:13
Party General Secretary and President Tô Lâm’s recent trip to the United Nations and the United States from September 22 to 25, 2024, marked a significant step in Việt Nam's diplomatic efforts on the global stage.
GLOBAL STATESMAN: Party General Secretary and President Tô Lâm delivers his speech at the first plenary session of the United Nations Summit of the Future. VNA/VNS Photo

Party General Secretary and President Tô Lâm was in New York, the USA, from September 22 to 25 to attend the United Nations Summit of the Future and the High-Level General Debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.

On the sidelines of the summit, he had meetings with a number of world leaders, marking a significant milestone in Việt Nam's expanding engagement with the international community.

President Lâm's trip also focused on enhancing multilateral cooperation and strengthening the Việt Nam–US Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, highlighted Việt Nam's growing role in global diplomacy and its dedication to promoting a sustainable future.

Việt Nam’s commitment to multilateralism

President Lâm's presence at the UN headquarters holds special significance as it is the first time since Việt Nam's accession to the UN in 1977 that a Party General Secretary and President of Việt Nam has attended the UN General Assembly. It highlights Việt Nam's growing emphasis on multilateral diplomacy, with the UN playing a central role in fostering global cooperation.

At a time when some nations are prioritising their own interests and undermining international law, Việt Nam's participation at the highest level reaffirms its commitment to being an active and responsible member of the global community. Việt Nam has consistently positioned itself as a "friend and trusted partner", making notable contributions to the UN and its specialised agencies. Its involvement in peacekeeping operations and its recognised success in poverty alleviation have set an example for other nations, demonstrating its proactive role in shaping global development.

At a recent meeting in Hà Nội of the Việt Nam Communist Party Central Committee, President Lâm presented a vision for Việt Nam’s future, saying that the 14th Party Congress next year will "usher in a new era of Việt Nam on the rise", one marked by both domestic development and international contributions.

During his address at the UN Summit of the Future, President Lâm called for technology to be used for cooperation rather than conflict, urging the global community to invest in medical research, education, and digital transformation, while moving away from the development of weapons of mass destruction. His vision for the future is one of peace, stability, and equality, where scientific progress benefits all nations.

He also emphasised the importance of international solidarity, cooperation, and adherence to international law. Major powers, he stressed, must act responsibly and share their scientific advancements for the benefit of all. He called on the UN and regional organisations like ASEAN to lead efforts in addressing global challenges, seizing opportunities presented by technological advancements, and shaping a better, more equitable world.

Addressing the General Debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, President Lâm shared Việt Nam’s vision for a more peaceful, stable, cooperative, prosperous, and sustainable future by emphasising the importance of adhering to international law and fostering cooperation among nations.

He called on all states, particularly major powers, to act responsibly, uphold peace, resolve disputes peacefully, and respect national sovereignty.

President Lâm stressed the need for equitable development, prioritising resources for the Sustainable Development Goals, especially in developing countries. He advocated for global governance frameworks for emerging technologies like AI and highlighted the importance of digital and green transitions for building resilience. He also urged reform of multilateral institutions to ensure fairness and transparency, with people, particularly the youth, at the centre of all policies to drive progress and development.

Deepening US-Việt Nam bilateral ties

President Lâm’s presence in New York came at a crucial moment, as Việt Nam and the US marked the first anniversary of their upgraded Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Although not an official state visit, his meetings with US leaders and business partners played a significant role in reaffirming Việt Nam’s foreign policy. This policy prioritises relations with major powers, including the US, which remains a key partner and a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: General Secretary of the Communist Party of Việt Nam Central Committee and State President Tô Lâm (left) and US President Joe Biden had talks in New York on September 25. VNA/VNS Photo Lâm Khánh

Lâm had a meeting with US President Joe Biden, where both leaders agreed that the two sides need to work closely to effectively carry out the joint statement adopted last year, including enhancing discussions at all levels, bolstering cooperation across economy, trade, investment, high technology and semiconductor and capitalising collaboration potential in high-quality human resources training, seeing it a key and a breakthrough in their partnership.

In a policy address at Columbia University, President Lâm reflected on the remarkable journey that Việt Nam and the US had taken since normalising relations nearly 30 years ago. From former adversaries to comprehensive strategic partners, both countries had overcome historical challenges through a spirit of reconciliation, mutual respect, and understanding. He noted that President Hồ Chí Minh had initially expressed a desire for full cooperation with the US, but it took 50 years for the two nations to normalise relations.

President Lâm credited the compassion of the Vietnamese people and the strong leadership of the Communist Party of Việt Nam as key factors enabling the bilateral relationship to flourish. He also acknowledged the critical support from American leaders such as President Bill Clinton, Senators John McCain, John Kerry, and Patrick Leahy, whose efforts helped the partnership grow in a stable, sustainable, and practical manner.

Reflecting on Việt Nam’s journey and its relationship with the US, President Lâm stated that building a better shared future required continued respect for each other’s independence, sovereignty, and political systems. He also underscored the importance of cooperation in addressing war wounds, which had formed the foundation of trust and deepened relations between the two countries.

"Few could have imagined the extraordinary strides that the two countries have made in nearly 30 years, transitioning from former enemies to comprehensive strategic partners," he said.

Strengthening investment and innovation

Speaking at Columbia University, the Party General Secretary and President of Việt Nam highlighted that, after nearly 80 years of independence and almost 40 years of Đổi mới (Renewal), under the comprehensive leadership of the Communist Party, Việt Nam was now on the cusp of a new historical milestone and entering a new era – an era of national resurgence. The significant, historical achievements of Đổi mới served as a foundation for the Vietnamese people to have faith in the future ahead. Việt Nam would continue to accelerate its renewal efforts, promote openness, and deepen comprehensive international integration. The country would remain a stable, reliable, and attractive destination for investors, businesses, and international tourists.

With a focus on furthering economic cooperation, President Lâm attended a seminar on enhancing US-Việt Nam collaboration in the semiconductor and AI industries. Leaders and experts from world-leading technology groups, including AMD, Google, Marvell, and the US Semiconductor Industry Association, participated in the seminar. The discussions underscored the potential for Việt Nam to become a key player in these advanced sectors, which would be essential to the nation’s long-term growth strategy.

President Lâm also met with members of the Việt Nam Innovation Network and Vietnamese experts in the US, emphasising the country’s commitment to attracting high-tech investment.

He said that Việt Nam prioritised selective investment in areas such as semiconductors and AI research and development, noting that these fields are key to future cooperation with US investors, who are global leaders.

President Lâm expressed his appreciation for the contributions of these experts, noting their significant role in enhancing Việt Nam’s capacity in science, technology, and innovation. He emphasised the need for continued collaboration to help Việt Nam advance further in these fields.

He said Việt Nam’s ability to train a high-quality workforce would be key to its future growth, especially in the context of digital and green transformation. He urged the Việt Nam Innovation Network in the US to continue expanding its membership and enhancing cooperation between Vietnamese and international experts, saying their efforts would be vital in helping Việt Nam achieve its goal of becoming a leader in science, technology, and innovation. VNS
