Việt Nam and Japan boost cooperation in potential fields

March 03, 2023 - 19:52
Việt Nam and Japan need to seek solutions to further promote cooperation in potential fields, especially in energy infrastructure, Deputy Prime Minister Trần Hồng Hà has said.
Deputy Prime Minister Trần Hồng Hà (left) met with Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan Hiroyuki Hosoda in Tokyo on Friday. — VNA/VNS Photo

TOKYO — Việt Nam and Japan need to seek solutions to further promote cooperation in a number of fields, especially in energy infrastructure, Deputy Prime Minister Trần Hồng Hà has said during his visit to Japan.

He met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan Hosoda Hiroyuki as part of the ministerial conference on the Asian Zero Emission Community (AZEC) in Tokyo, Japan on Friday.

Deputy PM Hà highly appreciated the positive developments in various fields of the extensive strategic partnership between Việt Nam and Japan.

He thanked the speaker for promoting the friendly and cooperative relationship between the two countries.

He suggested Hosoda continue to support high-level cooperation between both parliaments, parliamentarians, and young leaders.

The Deputy PM called on the Japanese Government to support Việt Nam in strategic infrastructure development, human resource development, new energy transformation as well as cooperation in the fields of scientific research, technology transfer for sustainable development.

For his part, Hosoda expressed his pleasure at welcoming Deputy PM Hà to Japan in the year marking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

He emphasised that Việt Nam is an important partner of Japan as it shares many common interests and great development potential.

Hosoda affirmed that the House of Representatives of Japan supports cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries and looks forward to the official visit of NA Chairman Vương Đình Huệ to Japan in the future.

He also praised the cooperation between the two Governments in potential fields, especially in energy infrastructure.

In discussions with the Chairman of the Japan-Việt Nam Parliamentary Friendship Alliance Nikai Toshihiro, Deputy PM Hà thanked the alliance for its initiatives on education and training, economic, cultural and tourism development between the two countries.

The Deputy PM expressed his hope that Nikai would support exchange activities at all levels, encourage Japanese businesses to invest in Việt Nam in technology, new energy, green transformation and digital transformation.

He also suggested the Japanese government simplify visa procedures for Vietnamese tourists and adopt policies to support the Vietnamese community of nearly 500,000 people in Japan.

Nikai affirmed that the alliance would make every effort to promote cooperative relations to develop more substantively.

He also informed about a plan to lead a delegation of Japanese parliamentarians and businesses on a visit to Việt Nam this year, suggested a “Việt Nam – Japan forest” be planted in the Southeast Asian country as a lasting symbol of relations, and agreed to support tourism cooperation.

When being received by the Vietnamese Deputy PM, Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Nishimura thanked Hà for his participation in the Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) Ministerial Meeting.

He emphasised that Japan considers Việt Nam an important partner to jointly implement the AZEC initiative and hopes to join Việt Nam and other participating countries in actively discussing and promoting cooperation to achieve the emission reduction target on the basis of trust and fairness.

In response, Hà said sending a delegation to the meeting reflects Việt Nam's efforts toward the goal and support for the Japanese government’s initiatives and policies in building the Asia community toward carbon emission reduction, and in ensuring energy security and sustainable development.

He held that the parties involved should have a reality assessment and choose feasible and suitable solutions.

There is a need to cooperate in research on technology and a participation mechanism for the government and the private sector as well as to determine financial sources to implement the AZEC joint declaration in member countries, including Việt Nam, Hà suggested.

At his meeting with Japanese parliamentarians in charge of environment sector, the Deputy PM asked them to support the Japanese government in offering financial assistance to and sharing experience with Việt Nam in the areas of climate change response and low-emission development.

He proposed the lawmakers persuade Japanese enterprises to invest in and transfer technology to Việt Nam in the fields of high technology, new energy, green transition, and digital transformation.

The parliamentarians pledged their efforts to enhance the countries’ relations in the environment field and join works at regional and international forums and cooperation mechanisms. — VNS
