UNHRC adopts Việt Nam-initiated resolution on human rights, climate change

July 10, 2022 - 11:52
A resolution on human rights and climate change drafted by Việt Nam in coordination with Bangladesh and the Philippines has been adopted at the 50th regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).


The Vietnamese delegation at the UN Human Rights Council’s 50th regular session in Geneva. —VNA/VNS Photo 

GENEVA — A resolution on human rights and climate change drafted by Việt Nam in coordination with Bangladesh and the Philippines has been adopted at the 50th regular session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

The resolution, introduced annually by Việt Nam, focuses on realisation of the rights to food and climate change. Each year, the resolution targets specific groups such as children, migrants, and women in the context of climate change.

The active participation in the core group in formulating and introducing the resolution by the UNHRC reflects Việt Nam's efforts in promoting and protecting human rights as well as in responding to climate change.

It also contributes to the implementation of an active and responsible foreign policy in the common issues of the international community.

Up to 23 resolutions and one decision were approved by UNHRC during the session, which ended on July 8. The council also discussed 76 thematic reports and reviewed the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) reports of 13 countries.

The Vietnamese delegation, led by Assistant to Minister of Foreign Affairs Đỗ Hùng Việt, co-hosted a symposium on ensuring the rights of vulnerable groups in the context of climate change together with Bangladesh and the Philippines.

A photo exhibition on ethnic groups and religions in Việt Nam was held on the sidelines of the session helped international friends understand more about the harmonious life of 54 Vietnamese ethnic groups, as well as their freedom of belief and religion.

The Vietnamese delegation actively took part in 18 sessions such as discussions on ensuring the rights of vulnerable groups in the context of climate change, good governance in protecting and promoting human rights during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

In their speeches, the Vietnamese delegation upheld the consistent policy, efforts and achievements in promoting and protecting human rights, affirming the country's commitment to sustainable development for the benefits of the people, placing the people at the centre of government measures and policies during the COVID-19 pandemic recovery process. —  VNS
