KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA- Media OutReach -1 December 2020 - TE Asia HealthcarePartners (TE Asia), a leading private healthcare investment and operationsplatform, has formed a strategic collaboration with Beacon Hospital, Malaysia'sleading oncology specialist hospital. Along with this partnership, TE Asia willacquire a significant stake in Beacon Hospital. This is in line with TE Asia's strategyin establishing single-specialty hospitals that bring clinician expertise andhealthcare operators together to deliver efficient and high-quality care.
"The healthcarelandscape is changing. Patients are becoming more sophisticated and proactivein exploring options for their needs. As medicine grows increasingly complex,healthcare needs to cater to more specific and specialized demands. To better fulfillsuch needs, we are further expanding our Integrated Oncology Centres (IOC)regional portfolio with Beacon Hospital onboard," says Eng Aik Meng, GroupChief Executive Officer of TE Healthcare.
Beacon Hospitalis a multidisciplinary hospital with a focus on oncology treatments. It recentlyreceived re-accreditation as an European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)Designated Centre of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care and is the firsthospital in Malaysia to receive an ESMO re-accreditation.
TE Healthcare'sIOC portfolio now includes 7 oncology centres and more than 40oncologists across Indonesia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia. Bycoordinating resources, sharing best practices, andtapping on economies of scale, IOC benefits both doctors and patients.
Compared to traditionalmulti-specialty healthcare, single-specialty hospitals offer the advantages ofspecialisation, reduce operational costs, require less capital, and moreimportantly, improve patient accessibility. "Our doctors are our partners andhence involved in all major decisions. Their success becomes our success. TheIOC platform enables doctors to focus on a particular set of diseases and beassured of access to capital and operational & management expertise. Withthis, we expect to provide better outcomes to all our patients," Eng Aik Mengadded.
"We are excited to be part of TE Asia HealthcarePartners' IOC network as it will immediately benefit our doctors and patients through variouscollaborations. We remain committed tooffering the same, if notbetter, high-quality treatments to patients under our corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) programme, which has subsidized more than RM32mil oftreatment costs for the under-privileged since 2011. We will continue to be very passionatein providing the best treatment to patients from all walks of life throughvarious initiatives. In line with ourvision to be A Good Hospital, this is our contribution to Malaysia'shealthcare delivery system," saidMary Chen, Managing Director of Beacon Hospital.
On future prospects, Eng Aik Meng believes there arehuge opportunities in the region. "We see a huge demand in specialty healthcareservices in Malaysia as well as the rest of Southeast Asia. We are activelyexploring new collaborations with top healthcare professionals. In the pipelinefor 2021, we are already working with a fewof Malaysia's leading spine and joint surgeons to open a specialty orthopaedicscentre in HSC Medical Centre. We are also opening new specialty centres in Singaporeand Indonesia." Other than Beacon Hospital and HSC Medical Centre, TE AsiaHealthcare Platform's portfolio in Malaysia includes Cardiac Vascular SentralKL (CVSKL).
TE Asia Healthcare Partners is a private healthcareinvestment and operations platform established in 2014. Backed by TPG Capital,the firm invests in a portfolio of healthcare assets in the region, focusing onspecialty centres and hospitals.