SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 28 October2020 - DHL Express, theworld's leading express service provider, expects unprecedented online shoppingand shipping volumes during the upcoming peak season of 2020. With continuedglobalization and the Covid-19 pandemic driving consumers to shop online likenever before, especially during upcoming mega shopping days such as 'BlackFriday' and 'Singles Day', DHL Express is expecting an all-time high in e-commercetrade around the globe. Having already experienced around 35% e-commerce shipmentvolume growth in 2020, the upcoming peak season will further accelerate this andresult in more than 50% higher shipment quantities compared to last year's peakseason.
"Over the years, we have seen consumers and even businesses shift theirpurchases online, but the pandemic has truly pushed the trend to leapfrog a fewyears ahead," said Ken Lee, CEO of DHL Express Asia Pacific. "At DHL Express, it is our mission to enableglobal trade and support our customers during the most important days of theirbusiness. The upcoming peak season will be challenging to the logistics industry,but we stand ready to make sure that our customers' shipments are delivered asfast and as safely as possible. We are proud of the steadfast commitment of ouremployees and couriers who are out there to fulfil our mission of connectingpeople and improving their lives."
DHL Express has taken numerousprecautionary measures for over 100,000 employees operating in more than 220countries and territories, such as providing face masks and disinfectants, and implementingsocial distancing and remote working where suitable. The company has also developedsafe delivery procedures including removing the need for customers to sign fortheir shipments. These steps taken helped to secure business continuity for DHL,our customers and global trade.
DHL Express is prepared forsignificantly higher volumes and an earlier peak season start
It comes as no surprisethat e-commerce numbers are rising given its growth trajectory in past years.However, the volume of shipments have grown tremendously higher than expecteddue to Covid-19. Numbers from the most important shopping occasions fromearlier this year have already shown an increase in online e-commerce shipmentvolumes by at least 35%.
Facingsuch increasing volumes and Covid-19 spreading around the globe in parallel,the challenges for logistics providers are tremendous. In addition to theconsistent observation of the situation and flexible management of precautionarymeasures to keep employees safe, the unprecedented peak of shipments poses anadditional challenge for logistics. To be prepared, DHL Express has hired morethan 10,000 new employees globally. Thanks to its annual investments ininfrastructure such as hubs and gateways, aircraft, vehicles andstate-of-the-art technology, the company was able to multiply the capacity ofits operations significantly and therefore manage the upcoming volumes.
"InAsia Pacific, we are expecting this year's peak season shipment volumes to be30-40% larger than last year. While these are extraordinary numbers, ourstate-of-the-art facilities, dedicated aircraft fleet, and insanely customercentric employees are fully prepared to meet our customers' requirements. DHLExpress invests approximately EUR 1 billion annually to improve itsinfrastructure, network and people, so that we are prepared for these kinds ofsituations and to ensure that global trade continues even in the mostchallenging periods," said Sean Wall, Executive Vice President, NetworkOperations & Aviation, DHL Express Asia Pacific.
Tomanage the demands of e-commerce shipping and also of highly important personalprotective equipment and medical goods, a large number of additional cargoflights is necessary, as most commercial passenger aircraft are still on theground. To counter this, DHL Express has increased the number of its dailyflights significantly. This year alone, the company has already commissioned fournew wide body aircraft of the model B777 F in its operations, and two more unitsare expected in the next month. These six additional aircraft enable thecompany to carry out more than 3,000 additional intercontinental flights peryear.
DHL is the leading global brandin the logistics industry. Our DHL divisions offer an unrivalled portfolio oflogistics services ranging from national and international parcel delivery,e-commerce shipping and fulfillment solutions, international express, road, airand ocean transport to industrial supply chain management. With about 380,000employees in more than 220 countries and territories worldwide, DHL connectspeople and businesses securely and reliably, enabling global sustainable tradeflows. With specialized solutions for growth markets and industries includingtechnology, life sciences and healthcare, engineering, manufacturing &energy, auto-mobility and retail, DHL is decisively positioned as "Thelogistics company for the world".
DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group. The Groupgenerated revenues of more than 63 billion euros in 2019. With sustainablebusiness practices and a commitment to society and the environment, the Groupmakes a positive contribution to the world. Deutsche Post DHL Group aims toachieve zero-emissions logistics by 2050.