One of the world’s most influential rock bands, Green Day officially launched their Asian tour on February 9 at Galaxy Arena.)
TAIPEI,TAIWAN - Media OutReach - 5 October 2020 - InTaiwan, 80% of solar LED traffic signs on highways are from SUNMADE Inc., whichare not only green and energy-saving, but also durable with warranty as long as7 years, making road traffic safer and sound. SUNMADE Inc. newly rolls outSUNMADE Dots, a ground-breaking technology used in traffic signs. Green Trade Project Office (GTPO)under Taiwanese government helps craft marketing strategies for the technology,from product development, marketing and trade shows. SUNMADE is therefore ableto open up Europe and Middle East markets and make made-in-Taiwan (MIT)products known to global customers.
Decades of Experiences in Traffic Engineering
SUNMADE Inc. was founded as a traffic engineering companyand dedicated to solar LED traffic signs at first. Like many SMEs in Taiwan,SUNMADE made its success with persistence in niche markets. SUNMADE's solar LEDtraffic signs are adopted by Taiwan's highways with the market share of 80% dueto products benefits, such as low energyconsumption, no-wire easy installation, and better visibility than traditionalreflective signs.
Continuing the success, SUNMADE recently developed thetechnology-SUNMADE Dots and applied to signs toreduce sun glare effect. SUNMADE Dots refracts sun glare to light up trafficsigns to increase viewable range, which turns the obstacle that haunts roadusers into a boost in enhancing traffic safety. With worldwide patents, SUNMADEDots has great potential in multiple countries. However, like many SMEs inTaiwan, SUNMADE is capable of providing good products and services but needs supportin brand building and global marketing.
Good Products Need Effective Marketing
GTPO started to support SUNMADE in 2017 by counselingwith the company, finding its market position and providing product developmentdirections. In 2018, SUNMADE introduced the market, 'green anti- sunglaresignage', a series of innovative products in traffic engineering. Green TradeProject recommended SUNMADE to adopt a more creative marketing strategy for thenew products: re-designing product catalog, shooting micro-movies for productsand brand images, introducing the company and its services to offshore marketsin a systematic manner. All these efforts came to bear fruit in 2019 whenSUNMADE went to Poland and Qatar for trade shows. Local governments liked theidea of green and innovative traffic signs, then soon placed pilot run orderson SUNMADE Dots to be installed on highways.
Lieh-Hsiung Hu,General Manager of SUNMADE Inc., said that in the perspective of road trafficsafety, countries around the world have failed to solve sunglare /sun-dazzleproblems. The only exception might be Japan, where traffic signs were drilledwith many small holes to reduce sun glare effect, but the optical angles is toosmall, and visible range is too short to work. In comparison, SUNMADE utilizedits unique SUNMADE Dots technology in anti- sunglare traffic signs, which 'borrows' ambientlight to lit up signs. Traffic signs cantherefore be seen in a longer distance even in a sun glare scenario.
SUNMADE ExpandsExposure in Europe and Middle East
"We know how to make greatproducts, but have little experience in marketing, therefore we neededassistance from the Green Trade Project." Hu said. In 2018, SUNMADE visitedASEAN nations, attended local trade shows and found potential clients inMalaysia and Singapore by partaking in the Taiwanese government's "NewSouthbound" policy. In 2019, SUNMADE went to Poland with GTPO's ITRI team andintroduced their SUNMADE Dots products to Rzeszow city government officials.The Rzeszow city government immediately placed trial orders, which is currentlyundergoing product certification procedures and is expected to ship out in2021.
In 2019, SUNMADEalso went to Qatar, one of the richest middle-east nations with GTP and participatedin "Project Qatar 2019", the global tradeshow for building materials. "Qatargovernment's public engineering officials came to SUNMADE's booth and invitedSUNMADE to brief to the government the next day. The successful presentationlead to introduce anti- sunglareand solar LED signs to their highways, " Hu said. This project was originally scheduled to becompleted by the end of 2020, but was delayed by COVID-19 till early 2021.
New Milestones inSmart Traffic
SUNMADE Inc.successfully promoted its green traffic signs from Taiwan to global market. Asgreen and energy-saving are more and more valued among international society,SUNMADE holds a good position and ambitiously crafts a roadmap for wider marketaccess with smart traffic system. On top of LED and anti-sunglare signages, SUNMADEis also developing its smart traffic solutions that can further improve roadsafety and inform road-users with more information in real-time. SUNMADE alsodeveloped a series of smart traffic signs such as on-coming vehicles earlywarning, pedestrian crossing warning, rain and fog detection and warning andetc. These warning systems integrate with IoT connection so that traffic data canbe sent via cloud to the control center for data analysis and realize theultimate goal of smart traffic.