SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 25 August 2020- SEEK Asia, which combines twoleading brands JobStreet and jobsDB under one roof, today announced theappointment of Peter Bithos as Chief Executive Officer.
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In his new role, Peter will be responsible for leading anddriving business growth and operations of SEEK Asia, while building on the company'ssuccess and presence over the past 23 years throughout Southeast Asia.
Peter's 25-year career thus far includes various CEO andsenior management positions throughout the region, encompassing both developed and developingmarkets and covering a spectrum of companies from start-ups to largeenterprises.
Peter'snotable achievements include building and scaling up digital businesses fromscratch, and helping spearhead one of the most successful telco transformationsin the world over the past decade.
"Peter has a proven track record growing Tech, Media andTelco (TMT) businesses, leading digital business transformation programs andbuilding strong company cultures in diverse markets across Asia Pacific and theUnited States," said Ian Narev, the SEEK Group Chief Operating Officer and AsiaPacific and Americas (AP&A) CEO.
"I am very excited about what he will bring to our business,while taking SEEK Asia to the next level of growth."
Peter is taking over from Suresh Thiru, who has served asCEO since 2016, and has been with SEEK Asia (JobStreet) since 2000.
"All of us at SEEK, JobStreet and jobsDB thank Suresh forhis leadership over two decades. He wasa real pioneer of our business, and was instrumental in establishing it as amarket leader in this region and a trusted brand for millions of job seekersand organizations," said Narev.
Commenting on his appointment, Peter said: "I am deeply privilegedto join one of the largest and best tech companies in the region. It's trulyexciting to be a part of fulfilling SEEK's purpose in these times. Theopportunity to work with SEEK's teams and people across Asia to create step-changegrowth and an even better experience for our customers is unique and special."
"I feel fortunate to be joining at this very moment because SEEKAsia's purpose to improve lives through better careers has never been moreurgent amidst the current social and economic environment brought about by the COVID-19pandemic," he added.
Over thepast decade, Peter has been working across Asia and was most recentlythe CEO of premium digital streaming service HOOQ, a jointventure between Singtel, Sony and Warner Brothers.
He previously heldsenior roles at Singtel, including Chief Operating Officer of GlobeTelecom in the Philippines.
Prior tothis, he was CEO of Virgin Mobile Australia, and Director of Strategy andCorporate Development of Optus in Australia. He also has nearly a decade ofstrategy consulting experience, having served in a management capacitywith Bain & Company.
Peter, who was born and educated in the United States,currently lives in Singapore with his wife and three daughters.
SEEK Asia, a combination of two leading brands JobStreet.com andjobsDB.com, is the leading job portal and Asia's preferred destination forcandidates and hirers. SEEK Asia's presence span across 7 countries namely HongKong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam. SEEKAsia is part of the Australian Securities Exchanged-listed SEEK LimitedCompany, the world's largest job portal by market capitalization. SEEK Asiaattracts over 400 million visits a year.
SEEK is a diverse group of companies,comprised of a strong portfolio of online employment, educational, commercialand volunteer businesses. SEEK has a global presence (including Australia, NewZealand, China, Hong Kong, South-East Asia, Brazil and Mexico), with exposureto over 2.9 billion people and approximately 27 per cent of global GDP. SEEKmakes a positive contribution to people's lives on a global scale. SEEK islisted on the Australian Securities Exchange, where it is a top 100 company andhas been listed in the Top 20 Most Innovative Companies by Forbes.