SINGAPORE- Media OutReach - 24 August2020 - Sun Life AssuranceCompany of Canada Singapore Branch ("Sun Life Singapore") today announced adonation of S$25,500 to The N.1Institute for Health ("N.1") which will go towards helping the communitythrough the IDentif.AI project. The donation is part of a global C$1 million pledge,announced by Sun Life in March 2020, to provide support for communitiesbattling COVID-19 around the world.
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In 2020,N.1 pioneered IDentif.AI, an AI-driven platform that can rapidly pinpoint thebest combination therapy regimens against infectious diseases. Since theoutbreak of COVID-19, N.1 has started to explore therapies for COVID-19patients using the IDentif.AI platform. N.1 is part of the National Universityof Singapore.
BelindaAu, Chief Executive Officer of Sun Life Singapore said, "Founded more than 150years ago, Sun Life today helps millions around the world achieve lifetimefinancial security and live healthier lives. We are pleased to be part of theSingapore community after the opening of our office here in May and arecommitted to playing our part in the fight against COVID-19. Established in 2018,N.1 has been at the forefront of health innovation. We hope our donation canhelp supercharge the COVID-19 study initiated by N.1 which aims to develop theoptimal dosage of drugs that can be used in combination for treatment ofCOVID19 patients."
Professor Dean Ho, Director of N.1 said, "We are grateful for the generosity of Sun LifeSingapore. IDentif.AI uniquely uses a strategically designed and small set ofexperiments to simultaneously pinpoint the best drugs and doses from anextraordinarily large number of possible drug combinations. The platform hassuccessfully addressed over 40 diseases and multiple human clinical studies thathave led to life-saving outcomes."
Sun Life Singapore is licence by the MonetaryAuthority of Singapore since May 2020. Sun Life Singapore will offer lifeinsurance solutions to help High Net Worth Clients grow, protect and transfertheir wealth to the next generation.
Sun Life is a leading international financialservices organization providing insurance, wealth and asset management solutionsto individual and corporate Clients. Sun Life has operations in a number ofmarkets worldwide, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom,Ireland, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam,Malaysia and Bermuda. As of June 30, 2020, Sun Life had total assets undermanagement of C$1,122 billion. For more information, please visitwww.sunlife.com.
Sun Life Financial Inc. trades on the Toronto(TSX), New York (NYSE) and Philippine (PSE) stock exchanges under the tickersymbol SLF.
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canadais an insurance company federally incorporated in Canada, with OSFI InstitutionCode F380 and its registered office at 1 York Street, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM5J 0B6. It is regulated by Office of the Superintendent of FinancialInstitutions, Canada. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Singapore Branch(UEN T19FC0132B) is registered with the Accounting and Corporate RegulatoryAuthority of Singapore as a foreign company, with its registered office at OneRaffles Quay, #10-03 North Tower, Singapore 04583. It is licensed and regulatedby the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Where Sun Life Assurance Company ofCanada Singapore Branch is referred to as "Sun Life Singapore", this isstrictly for marketing and branding purposes only, and no legal significance isexpressed or implied. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is a member of theSun Life group of companies. The Sun Life group of companies operates under the"Sun Life" name. Sun Life Financial Inc., the publicly traded holding companyfor the Sun Life group of companies, is not a product offering company and isnot the guarantor of the obligations of its subsidiaries. © 2020 Sun LifeAssurance Company of Canada. All rights reserved. The name Sun Life and theglobe symbol are registered trademarks of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.