SHANGHAI, CHINA - Media OutReach - 5 August 2020- REBELFighting Championship (REBEL FC), a dynamic fightainment company, is not letting the COVID-19 pandemic get inthe way of its goal of becoming the first MMA promotion from Southeast Asia toproduce a full-fledged Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) reality show in China anddevelop the next generation of China-grown MMA superstars.
REBEL FC already hasan ace in place with famed Chinese director Xie Dikui, as the executiveproducer of the planned MMA reality show. Xie is a household name for his workon one of China's biggest reality shows in the past decade, Where Are WeGoing, Dad? (Chinese: 爸爸去哪儿; pinyin: Bàba qù nǎr), on Hunan Television, which debuted in 2013 and is currently being filmedfor the sixth season. He was the director for the series' first (2013), second(2014), third (2015) and fourth seasons (2016), as well as two movieadaptations of the series. The series attracted an average of 75 millionviewers per episode every week and an astonishing TV viewership of 190 millionpeople in the 2015 season finale.
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"Just like anyprogramme on terrestrial TV or streaming platform, the sponsorship team behind aprogramme is its bedrock. Hence, REBEL FC is pulling out all the stops torecruit the best in the business to give its reality show a strong boost."explains Justin Leong, CEO of REBEL FC.
"Our reality showties in with the REBEL FC's core value of empowerment. We will empower ourfighters in and out of the ring as well as during and after their fightcareers. We want to empower our gym and brand partners. Our new sponsorshipcolleagues will work towards a holistic partnership with our sponsors whereeveryone will benefit -- from everyday men and women who will be inspired by thetales of the fighters' determination to succeed against all odds in the realityshow to our brand partners who will be able to communicate the empoweringaspects of their products and services to the mainstream viewers," emphasisesLeong.
Vivian Xia, whojoins REBEL FC as sponsorship director, is the promotion's most significantappointment to date. She spent most of her career from 1999 to 2018 -- 16 years-- at The Nielson Company, a global marketing research firm headquartered in NewYork City, USA. Nielsen's possibly best known creation is the Nielsen ratings,an analytical system that measures television, radio and newspaper audiences intheir respective media markets.
The highlight of herwork with Nielsen was building up a sports and entertainment department for thecompany from 2016 to 2018 as Associate Director. This new department isresponsible for the business and product developments of the sports industry inChina. Major clients she managed with this new department were Hebei ChinaFortune Football Club (image branding to fans), Tencent Sports (evaluation of NBAsponsor exposure in the media), HUPU (industry prospect evaluation), FoshanXiqiao Marathon (event performance evaluation) and JD (sports goods industryresearch).
From 2018, Xia wenton to join OCEANS Sports & Entertainment Inc. as its Vice President. OCEANSis one of the leading sports marketing agencies in China specialising inintegrated sports marketing, event organisation and promotion, sponsorshipdevelopment, and building relevant relationships across China's fast-growingsports industry. At OCEANS, she was responsible for managing new businesses inthe country. A major client she handled was ADK, whom she facilitated tosuccessfully obtain the title sponsor of the WTA Final in Shenzhen in 2019.
Joining Vivian Xiais Ophelia Yao, REBEL FC's sponsorship manager, who has experience from IMG, aglobal events and talent management company headquartered in New York, USA,under Endeavor Group Holdings. Endeavor is best known for acquiring UFC in 2016for 4 billion USD.
At IMG, Yao was SalesSupport & Client Servicing Manager at IMG Golf Asia, focusing on clientrelations and servicing for the WGC-HSBC Champions project, building corporatepartnerships with Mercedes Benz, WeChat, Dell and TutorABC.
"It is an honour forme and Ophelia to be a witness and participant in innovative sports marketing withREBEL FC's planned reality show. I think it is an exciting platform tocommunicate MMA as a professional sports in the language of mass entertainmentthat will resonate with the mass audience in China. The attributes of MMAconveyed through the reality show can encourage positive thinking andenterprising fighting spirit as well as revitalising national pride in everyonein China," elaborates Xia.
We hope to inspiremore innovative ideas for event operations and make REBEL an industry benchmarkand leader not only in China but around the world in the time to come," sheadds.
With Xia and Yaoonboard, REBEL FC adds another milestone in its course towards bringining itsambitious MMA reality show into fruition.
For more information on REBEL FC, please visit www.rebelfightingchampionship.com
REBEL Fighting Championship is a dynamic fightainmentcompany, committed to bringing exciting and engaging mixed martial arts andlive event entertainment to our customers around the world. We are focused onpursuing the highest standards of excellence in our live event production, MMAtalent development and promoting awareness of MMA.
Founded in May 2013 and headquartered inSingapore, the company comprises a group of vibrant and creative professionalswith diverse backgrounds in production, marketing, business development, eventmanagement, public relations, and MMA matchmaking.