HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 9 October 2019 - Thedesigner joins the iconic American brand from Max Mara Fashion Group and Diorin a new role spanning product, store design and brand communication.
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St. John, the American luxury house founded in 1962, has namedZoe Turner as its new creative director, an expanded role arching across allfacets of the brand from its collections and retail environments to itsmultimedia presence. With a singular creative voice, Turner will take thelegacy brand to new heights while remaining deeply rooted in its DNA.
A sophisticated and highly technicalfashion and knitwear designer with 20 years of experience, Turner has animpressive background that includes almost a decade at Dior under both JohnGalliano and Raf Simons, during which she honed her skills as a knitwearexpert. Turner began her career working alongside celebrated Italian designerAlberta Ferretti, and most recently headed a team while consulting at Max MaraFashion Group.
"Zoe has a fresh outlook. She iscurious, creative and passionate, and this energy will help drive St. John tothe next level. She has a deep understanding of the brand's DNA and how tocommunicate that to customers through a 360° brand experience. We believe Zoecan introduce St. John to a larger audience through reinterpreting the brandcodes and modernizing the collections," said Joann Cheng, Fosun Group'sglobal partner, chairman ofFosun Fashion Group, which acquired a majority interest in St. John in 2017.
"Zoe is a quiet and powerful creativesoul with an innate sense of how women want to dress. I love her passion, herappreciation for all eras and her eye to the future. She has a vision for thebigger picture, and I look forward to seeing the impact that Zoe will have atSt. John," said Eran Cohen, chief executive officer of St. John.
"St. John has a richhistory of innovation and flair. Like kindred spirits, I look forward tocreating a new chapter in the story of a great American brand."
Keeping luxury, comfort, confidence and classicism at theforefront, Turner will lead a team of artisans, craftsman and technical expertsto create clothes that spark desire and start a new conversation.
"I'm honored and excitedabout the challenge ahead, and to lead the creative teams with a new vision fortoday's woman."
Fosun International Limited is atechnology-driven consumer group that has been listed on the main board of theHong Kong Stock Exchange (00656.HK) since 2007. Founded in 1992, Fosun operatesthree business lines, in Health, Happiness and Wealth, creating world-classproducts and services for families around the world. In 2018, Fosun recordedrevenues of RMB 109.4 billion (c.US$ 16.5 billion) with total assets worth RMB681.51 billion (c.US$ 99.13 billion) as of 30 June 2019.
Launched in 2017 and based in Shanghai,China, FFG is a multi-disciplinary industry platform under Fosun InternationalLtd. that focuses on in-depth operations and strategic investments in Fashion.Rooted in China with a global vision, FFG is able to provide the completesolution for brands' sustainable growth. FFG believes that long-term value canbe created through a variety of strategic initiatives. These include brandbuilding, talent recruiting, product development, strategic alliances, channelexpansion, digitalization, as well as full-spectrum local operation providedthrough its China operation arm, Fosun Fashion Brand Management (FFBM). Throughits unique approach and position, FFG looks to create and connect cross-bordercommunities, empower talent and drive growth. FFG's current brand portfolioincludes Lanvin, Wolford, St. John, Caruso and Tom Tailor.
St. John is an American luxury housefounded in 1962 on the premise of a simple, elegant and versatile knit dress.The brand has evolved over the years but the foundation of the collectionremains the same today as it did from the very start -- great American design,understated and timeless elegance, unsurpassed quality and craftsmanship. Thecompany, headquartered in Southern California, employs more than 1,500 peopleand is vertically integrated with workshops, stores and offices around the world.Its collections are sold in high-end specialty retailers in 19 countries, 37company-owned stores and through the brand's ecommerce site stjohnknits.com.
St. John's newly-appointed creativedirector Zoe Turner understands the power and beauty of transformation. Just asher work at Christian Dior Couture made an impact -- moving the legendary houseforward while remaining true to the ethos of the brand -- her role at St. Johnwill be to reenergize and transform a treasured American fashion house whileremaining deeply rooted in its history.
A sophisticated and highly technicalfashion and knitwear designer with an innate sense of how women today want todress and express themselves, Turner is creating collections that showcasebrand icons and new silhouettes, proportions and colors. With a singular creative voice and vision that will span store design,communication and product, Turner will highlight American luxury vis-a-viscraftsmanship, quality and timeless beauty. In leading St. John's teams of artisans, she will harnessthe power of their collective skill and know-how.
A London native, Turner earned her master'sdegree from London's Royal College of Art. Upon graduating in 2002, Turnerpromptly joined Alberta Ferretti as a designer, where she worked alongside theItalian founder and creative director for four years. There, she developed herskill in designing feminine womenswear and knitwear, utilizing the talents ofcraftsmen and artisans in the factory adjoining the atelier. Turner was then recruitedto Paris to join Christian Dior Couture, first as Senior Designer under JohnGalliano, then as Head Designer, Director of Knitwear under Raf Simons.
Throughout her time at the House ofDior, Turner developed knitwear into a key aspect for the brand. With Galliano,whom she worked alongside for seven years, and Simons, she sourced inspirationsfrom various eras within the archives and around the world.
After spending nearly a decade at Dior,Turner returned to Italy to become a freelance consultant at Max Mara FashionGroup, known for its heritage and craftsmanship. In the two years just prior tojoining St. John, she headed a sizable team and was responsible for wovens,accessories, leather goods, knitwear and jersey, as well as creative for thebrand's communications and advertising.
With a quiet confidence and powerfulcommand of her craft, Turner is poised to lead St. John into a new era ofmodern luxury. Her first collection is set to debut for Fall 2020.