SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 5 September 2019 - 2019Global FinBlockchain Forum & Tepleton Launching Conference was successfullyheld on September 2nd at Pan Pacific Hotel Singapore.
Atthe beginning of the meeting, Keith Carter, a professor from the NationalUniversity of Singapore, gave an opening speech. After the opening speech,Tepleton founder and CEO Jaden Tao gave a keynote speech on the theme "Tepleton Protocol -- A Brand New Start of Blockchain Finance". In thespeech, Jaden Tao proposed the concept of FinBlockchain, the abbreviation ofFinancial + Blockchain, for the first time on a global scale, and defined it as"an open, credible, efficient, decentralized new economic era based on theunderlying technology of blockchain". "FinBlockchain" is based oninnovations in traditional finance and internet finance, and is a cross-borderbridge between traditional finance and emerging finance.
Jadensaid that the development and application of blockchain technology will pushthe world economy into the new financial era of blockchain. At the same time,Jaden called on the global blockchain industry elites to join hands and seizethe new financial wave of the global blockchain to build a new financial era inthe blockchain.
Afterthat, Tepleton founder and CEO Jaden Tao, Tepleton senior technology architectTaiwo, Genesis Capital founding partner Sun Zeyu, Qian Yuan Capital blockchainleader Yin Xiaogang, Jinse Finance VP Tong Yang, BiKi founder and CEO Winterco-sponsored The launching ceremony of the project , announced that theTepleton project was officially released to the world.
ThenProfessor Krzsztof Piech, leader of the Polish government blockchainconsultant, gave a speech on the theme of "Implementation of Blockchain inFinance and Banking".
Nextis the second panel discussion session, with the theme "How Do ExchangesEmpower Quality Projects".After the panel discussion, the event was alsocommemorated, and the 2019 Global FinBlockchain Forum & Tepleton LaunchingConference ended successfully.
Itis understood that Tepleton, a new financial solution of blockchain based onthe most secure and highest performance underlying cross-chain technology atthis stage. The final vision of Tepleton team is to advance the global financeinto the new era of blockchain, make the personal assets and transactions trulyreturn to users, and drive the healthy development of the financial industry.
Tepletonwill be launched on BiKi on September 6 and will be listed on the KEX, Coineal,Lbank, AOFEX, Bitmart and WBFex exchanges.