SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 5 September 2019 - The birth of blockchain marksthe beginning of humanity building a truly trustworthy Internet. In itsnature, blockchain is a distributed database that records all transactions ordigital events; it can also be considered as an open, distributed ledger thatis accessible to all participants to leave records. Blockchain canestablish reliable peer-to-peer connections in the network; value istransferred without interference from intermediaries, enabling publicaccessibility and secured privacy. Because consensuses are reached withindividual rights retained, this mechanism largely enhances value exchangeefficiency with lower costs. With blockchain's promising prospects and positivepotentials, a revolution in the technology field is looming.
Medium Chain aims toestablish a peer-to-peer value transfer public chain by building ainfrastructural blockchain architecture and digital resource distributionprotocols to support third-party developers to build their own applicationsupon open source licenses; it is also our aim to build a comprehensiveblockchain application ecology with partners from different industries.Application scenarios in various media forms (eg. text, images, music, video,softwares, etc.) can be transplantedaccording to various rules and protocols created by Medium Chain to establishdirect contact between value creators and consumers. Third-party developers notonly can issue tokens and build their own economies, but also can create avariety of applications based Medium Chain structure using our MDM Tokens asthe internal currency. For example, you can set up an information sharingplatform on Medium Chain where information can be evaluated and priced; thosewho want to access the goods can exchange with the publishers on the platformwith the convenience of instant payment arrival. Product promoters can post priced ads onMedium Chain, people who are interested in them can earn income by clicking orsharing. For another example, 3D animation producers can set up sites on MediumChain to sell their works and earn income from those in need. Different fromtraditional forms of information transmission which are based on centralizedplatforms or dominant organizations, Medium Chain has removed the middleman tomaximize the profitability of all participating parties by providing realpeer-to-peer transactions between media owners and consumers.
To support theconstruction and operation of the decentralized value network, after consideringits key features, Medium Chain platform has seamlessly integrated theunderlying layer blockchain services with distributed P2P services. This canprovide users with high-quality blockchain-based online value exchangeservices. Medium Chain's key components include Medium Chain platform andMedium Chain original chain. The platform provides popular services of gooduser experience, including massive cloud storage space and high QoS (Quality ofService) data Sharing services, convenient website set-up, etc. Meanwhile,Medium Chain original chain has introduced master node networks, which canguarantee a stable network environment and the IPFS storage infrastructure.Furthermore, It secures the healthy and orderly development of Medium Chain'secology with tools such as voting and budgeting mechanisms; users can alsoconveniently deploy distributed applications through smart contract technology,which can bring prosperity to the whole ecology.
Medium Chainmedia contract mainly includes four roles: Advertiser, Self-media owner, Senior auditor and Management Committee. Decentralizedcomplete business processes, virtuous cycle of review mechanisms and highlyautonomous governance committee management can effectively avoid cheating byself-media owners and reviewers, enabling the steady operation of MDM mediacontract, thus it can continuously create value for advertisers and self-mediaowners.
Accordingto data from China's centralized self-media marketingplatforms , the average commission fees each self-media ownerreceives for marketing tasks is about 500 yuan, roughlyequal to 71 dollars. Given the number of self-mediausers on the platform is expected to reach about 5 million,355 million (71 times 5 million) dollars is generated each day asadvertising income, which makes 129.575 billion US dollars ayear. Meeting this figure, MDM will truly become the firstblockchain application with an annual revenue of more than 100billion dollars. Since MDM's circulation is 100 million coins, thevalue of MDM coins will reach 1295.75 dollars each. Since theinitial price of MDMwas 0.12 dollars each when it was first issued, MDM's pricewill increase by 10797 times, making it the next ten-thousandfoldcryptocurrency following BTC.
Inaddition, assuming that each self-media owner can influence onaverage about 500 fans in each post, the unit price of eachadvertisement can be as low as 0.14 dollars per viewer. Lowadvertising cost can attract more advertisers to jointhe MDM media contract to post tasks. This is a virtuous cyclein which advertisers and self-media owners can both maximize their value.With Singapore Foundation backing it, along with MDM's comprehensive ecologyresources and a reasonable consensus mechanism, we believethat MDM media contract will be the first megaapplication built on blockchains. MDM's sustainablecontract operating mechanism willdefinitely make MDM a real ten-thousandfold cryptocurrency in thefuture.