SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 4 September 2019 - MadameTussauds Singapore, together with Boney Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor,today unveiled Sridevi's first and only wax figure crafted in memory of thelegendary actress today. The family was joined by Sridevi's closest relatives --her sister Srilatha Yanger, brother-in-law Sanjay Ramaswamy and Boney Kapoor'sbrother; actor and producer, Sanjay Kapoor -- as well as Noreen Khan from theInternational Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) and other distinguished guests from India and overseas.
Theunveiling took place in the Ultimate Film Star Experience (UFSE) zone, where theexclusive figure took pride of place in front of a special memorial wall backdrop,containing tribute messages from Sridevi's fans from all over the world. After the launch, Sridevi's figure willjoin other Bollywood stars in the UFSE zone in her dedicated Mr. India movie poster set, wherevisitors of Madame Tussauds Singapore can leave messages on the memorial wall nextto the set.
Herwax figure is based on a still from her iconic performance of the song "HawaHawai" from the movie Mr. India. Acult classic, Mr. India holds specialmeaning for Sridevi and her family as the film was produced by her husbandBoney Kapoor. The movie was the secondhighest-grossing Indian film in 1987 and remains hugely popular 32 years on.
"Togetherwith Madame Tussauds Singapore, we chose her iconic pose from the song 'HawaHawai'. This holds special meaning as it was also what she sang at her firstlive stage performance at Hope '86 in Mumbai and Calcutta. There have beennumerous cover versions of the song in various films but none of them have comeanywhere close to her performance. 'Hawa Hawai' has a special place in thehearts of our family and her millions of fans," says Boney Kapoor.
Apart from Sridevi's dedicated family, the launchevent was also supported by Lavania Hajji and her team from Dance Embassy, aswell as the International Indian Film Academy Awards. Andre Timmins, the Founder and Director ofIIFA said, "This is a truly special moment to behonouring the legacy of the late Sridevi who has always been a close friend ofIIFA and supported us over the years as an award-winning performer. Thisis a wonderful opportunity for fans around the world to see her at MadameTussauds Singapore and continue celebrating their love and adoration for her."
"Weare honoured to have Sridevi's first and only figure joining our Ultimate FilmStar Experience (UFSE). The occasion is made extra special with Sridevi'sfamily with us for the unveiling. We thank them for their time and effort incollaborating with us," said Alex Ward, General Manager of MadameTussauds Singapore. "With such an important addition to the UFSE, we lookforward to welcoming more fans from around the world as we also continue to addmore exclusive celebrity content to the zone."
Thenewly launched UFSE spanning 2,500 sq ft, brings guests on a journey through theglitz and glamour of Indian cinema culture from the moment they step throughthe doors. The world's largest celebration of Indian superstars, this uniqueexperience utilises cutting-edge technology like Kinect and AR to give visitorsthe chance to be part of the limelight: https://youtu.be/EmLdC8Vhzq4
Madame Tussauds is theultimate celebrity experience and the world's best known and most popular waxattraction. There are currently 24 Madame Tussauds attractions around theworld. Each of the attractions is uniqueand tailored to the host city and visitor demographic to feature both local aswell as international figures. These attractions are continually endorsed bycelebrities, sports stars, royalty and global politicians.
Founded in London in 1835,Madame Tussauds' amazing wax figures are so high quality and so lifelike thateven the celebrities themselves do a double take when they see them -- and allin stunning interactive themed sets designed to excite, amaze, and surprise,including some with unique animated features! And, with no bars, ropes orbarriers around the figures, visitors will have no problem believing that theyreally are standing beside their heroes and the photographs taken withfavourite stars will be a special memory for ever.
The result of 200 years ofexpertise and painstaking research every figure takes Madame Tussauds' giftedsculptors a minimum of three months to make, and costs more than $300K(Singapore dollars). Most contemporary figures are also produced following sittingswith the celebrities themselves and are the result of hundreds of separatemeasurements, hours matching skin tone, eye and hair colour -- with everyindividual hair inserted separately. Celebrities and film studio wardrobedepartments often supply clothing for their figures, or designers willreproduce significant or iconic outfits as exact replicas, only for MadameTussauds. Inclusion in one of Madame Tussauds attractions around the world isseen as a huge honour and recognition of an individual's contribution, statusand achievement.
MERLINENTERTAINMENTS plc is the leading name in location-based, family entertainment.Europe's Number 1 and the world's second-largest visitor attraction operator,Merlin now operates more than 110 attractions, hotels and holiday villages in23 countries and across 4 continents. The company aims to deliver memorable andrewarding experiences to its almost 63 million visitors worldwide, through itsiconic global and local brands, and the commitment and passion of its managersand 26,000 employees (peak season).
Merlincurrently has different brands in Asia including Madame Tussauds, LEGOLANDParks and Resorts, SEA LIFE and LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Visit https://www.merlinentertainments.biz/ for more information.