An Upgraded GreenBuilding Rating Tool in Response to Evolving Industry Development
A HundredIndustry Professionals Attended the Ceremony in Support of the Launch
HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 5 September 2019 - The Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC)and BEAM Society Limited (BSL) are pleased to announce the official launch ofBEAM Plus New Buildings version 2.0 (NB v2.0). Thelaunch ceremony was held at Zero Carbon Building (ZCB) on 4 September 2019. MrTSE Chin-wan, BBS, JP, Under Secretary for the Environment and Mr JohnKWONG Ka-sing, PrincipalGovernment Engineer, DevelopmentBureau, HKSARG, officiatedthe ceremony as the Guests of Honour.
Since the launch of BEAM Plus NB v1.2 in 2012,the rating tool has continued to evolve after taking into account feedback fromthe industry. The BEAM Plus NB v2.0 washammered out as a result of the suggestions and comments collected over thepast seven years as well as updated government guidance on the adoption ofenergy-efficient features and renewable energy technologies. In order todemonstrate the HKSAR Government's commitment to low-carbon growth, bureaux anddepartments are encouraged to achieve BEAM Plus Gold for all major governmentbuildings.
Withthe objectives of making the NB v2.0 a holistic performance indicator and auser-friendly assessment tool, the fundamental of BEAM Plus NB v2.0 is tomaintain the assessment criteria at a level beyond statutory requirements,while enhancing adaptability, certainty and practicality of the assessment. Theupgraded BEAM Plus NB v2.0 is designed to provide practicable, clear andstandardised criteria to assess the performance of green buildings, includinghealth and wellbeing, hygiene, site impacts, use of materials, water quality,energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, etc.
Inparticular, the NB v2.0 now places more emphasis on "Health and Wellbeing", which highlightshuman environmental quality. Apart from indoor environmental quality, such as lighting,ventilation, acoustic, indoor air quality, thermal comfort, etc., human centricdesign elements are also considered in the assessment. These include, forexample, provision of design measures that encourage healthy and active living,adoption of biophilic design that increases occupants' connectivity to thenatural environment, etc.
Another key assessment aspect added in the BEAMPlus NB v2.0 assessment is Integrated Design and Construction Management. Theadoption of an integrated design process ensures a building can sustain itsgreenness throughout its building life cycle, allowing all stakeholders topartake in setting the environmental goals and objectives. Moreover, creditsare given to projects that involve BEAM Professionals and BEAM Affiliates, aswell as those that apply smart technologies to facilitate communication amongthe project team members.
Mr TSE Chin-wan,BBS, JP, Under Secretary for the Environment, HKSARG, said: "The Government has developed "Construction 2.0" with thethree key pillars of "Innovation", "Professionalisation"and "Revitalisation" to enhance the sustainability of the localconstruction industry. "Modular integrated Construction (MiC)" is aninitiative in line with construction innovation. Apart from better qualitycontrol, increased productivity, reduced on-site manpower, shortened constructiontime and enhanced site safety as the known benefits of MiC, it also reduces theoverall carbon footprint of projects by cutting down building material wastage,packaging materials and trips in transportation, all with positive impact togreen building and sustainability development.
The launch of the "BEAM plus New Buildings V2.0" marks thebeginning of a new chapter in Hong Kong's way forward in green buildingmovement. We need the concerted effort of construction industry stakeholders tomake a step forward in meeting the increasing demand for green buildings, andenhancing Hong Kong's liveability in the long term."
Mr John KWONGKa-sing, Principal Government Engineer, Development Bureau, HKSARG, said: "To cope with the pressing challenges posed by climate change andimprove indoor and outdoor liveability, optimising sustainable design andconstruction in new buildings is of vital importance. The Government issupportive of the introduction of the BEAM Plus New Buildings Assessment Toolv2.0. The timely upgrade of the green building rating system will drive bothpublic and private buildings towards lower carbon emissions, less waste andmore eco-friendly for the well-being of the public."
Mr SO Kai-ming,Chairperson of BEAM Society Limited, said: "BSLhas been devoted to building a sustainable community since its establishment. Throughthe optimisation of BEAM Plus assessment tools, we aim to build capacity in thecommunity through education and training to create a more liveable green built environment.As of today, BEAM Plus is one of the most widely used voluntary green labellingschemes of its kind around the world with over 1,200 registered BEAM Plusprojects, including over 400 landmark projects that achieved the BEAM Plus Label."
Mr CHEUNG Hau-wai,SBS, Chairmanof The Hong Kong Green Building Council, said: "While this year is the 10thanniversary of the Council, the launch of the upgraded BEAM Plus NB v2.0 marksanother milestone in our efforts in promoting a more liveable and sustainablecity. Looking forward, the Council will continue to closely work with BEAMSociety in driving the green building development in Hong Kong with BEAM Plus,creating the sustainable built environment."
"During the3-year enhancement process, we have been always upholding the four main principles,i.e. Adaptability, Beyond Statutory Requirement, Certainty and Practicality. We hope the revamped tool would be able tocover more applicable new buildings and minimise the possibility of "NotApplicable" credits.", accordingto Sr Kenneth CHAN Jor-kin, Convenor of BEAM Plus NB v2.0 SteeringCommittee.
BEAM Plus New Buildings v2.0 is open for registration today.
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Photo captions:
Photo 1
Mr TSE Chin-wan,BBS, JP, Under Secretary for the Environment, HKSARG officiated the ceremony as a Guest ofHonour and commended BEAM Plus NB v2.0 for further promoting green buildings
Photo 2
Mr John KWONGKa-sing, Principal Government Engineer, Development Bureau, HKSARG officiated the BEAM Plus NewBuildings v2.0 ceremony
Photo 3
Mr SO Kai-ming,Chairperson of BEAM Society Limited delivered a welcome speech at the ceremony
Photo 4
Mr CHEUNGHau-wai, SBS, Chairman of The Hong Kong Green Building Council delivered awelcome speech at the ceremony
Photo 5
Sr Kenneth CHANJor-kin, Convenor of BEAM Plus NB v2.0 Steering Committee introduced BEAM PlusNB v2.0
Photo 6
(From left toright) Ir HO Chi-shing, General Manager, BEAM Society Limited
Sr CHANJor-kin, Convenor of Steering Committee of
BEAM Plus NewBuildings v2.0, BEAM Society Limited
Mr SO Kai-ming,Chairperson, BEAM Society Limited
Mr TSEChin-wan, BBS, JP Under Secretary for the Environment
Mr John KWONGKa-sing, Principal Government Engineer,
DevelopmentBureau, HKSARG
Mr CHEUNGHau-wai, SBS, Chairman, Hong Kong Green Building Council
Ir Cary CHANWing-hong, JP, Executive Director, Hong Kong GreenBuilding Council
TheHong Kong Green Building Council Limited (HKGBC) is a non-profit, member ledorganisation established in 2009 and has become a public body under thePrevention of Bribery Ordinance since 2016. The HKGBC's vision is to help savethe planet and improve the wellbeing of the people of Hong Kong by transformingthe city into a greener built environment. The Founding Members of the HKGBCinclude the Construction Industry Council (CIC), the Business EnvironmentCouncil (BEC), the BEAM Society Limited (BSL) and the Professional GreenBuilding Council (PGBC). Its mission is to lead market transformation byadvocating green policies to the Government; introducing green buildingpractices to all stakeholders; setting design, construction and managementstandards for the building profession; and promoting green living to the peopleof Hong Kong.
Tolearn more about the HKGBC, please visit www.hkgbc.org.hk.
AboutBEAM Society Limited
BEAMSociety Limited (BSL), owner of Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM& BEAM Plus), is a non-profit organisation committed to developing andimplementing BEAM Plus assessment tools, assessing green buildings and trainingBEAM practitioners. The BSL has become a public body under thePrevention of Bribery Ordinance since 2016.
BEAMSociety Limited continuously strives to improve the overall quality of thebuilt environment in Hong Kong. BEAM Plus assessment tools, including BEAM PlusNew Buildings, BEAM Plus Existing Buildings, BEAM Plus Interiors and BEAM PlusNeighbourhood, are currently applicable to the stages of master planning,building design, construction on site and fit-out and operation.
Tolearn more about the BSL, please visit www.beamsociety.org.hk.