Regional and ProvincialGovernment of Peru Hong Kong Office Opens to Promote Sino-Peru Trade Cooperation andCultural Development
HONG KONG, CHINA- Media OutReach - 8 August 2019 - The Regionaland Provincial Government of Peru Hong Kong Office ("the Office") announcedthe signing of six Memorandums of Understanding ("MOUs") with Hong Kong andmainland Chinese enterprises for projects in such diverse sectors as solarenergy, hydropower station construction, coffee trading, and gold mining,establishing a strong foundation for the long-term collaboration between Chinaand Peru. Asia Cosmos Group Limited("ACG") announced on the same day that it has received authorization from theprovincial municipalities of Chanchamayo and Utcubamba of Peru to supportcommercial exchange between Peru and China in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, andmainland China. It will facilitate the development of tourism, agricultural products,trade, and technology, as well as to attract investment to projects in Peru andpromote Peruvian culture.
Under the auspices of PeruCham and ACG, the Regional and ProvincialGovernment of Peru Hong Kong Office was officially opened today. Its principalduty is the promotion of the provincial municipalities of Chanchamayo andUtcubamba in Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and the Greater China area in order tostrengthen bilateral trade, in addition to inducing investments for a widerange of projects encompassing agriculture, trade, technology, and tourism.
Mr. Jose Eduardo MariñoArquiñigo, Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Chanchamayo, said, "Peru is endowed with rich natural resources andagricultural goods, the promotion and development of which the regional andprovincial governments have always fully supported. With the full endorsementfrom Chinese enterprises, we have signed MOUs to promote Peru's coffee culture,and set up a coffee inspection center and free trade inspection area, whichwill facilitate the development of local industries in Peru. The collaborationsmark an important gesture symbolizing the friendship between Peru and China."
Mr. Hidelfonso GuevaraHonores, Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Utcubamba, said, "As China's economic growth flourishes, it has become amajor player in international trade. We are delighted to sign a MOU with aChinese enterprise for a solar energy project. As at May 2019, Peru hasgenerated 14,900 megawatts of renewable energy, which is a vital resourceproject that Peru is dedicated to develop. We believe that bilateral tradebetween Peru and China will continue to grow going forward. At the same time,we can learn from China's experience to enhance Peru's economic prowess."
The MOUs announced on this occasion covered such diverse sectors asinfrastructure, cultural products, agriculture, and mining. The projectsinclude the hydropower station construction project with Beijing HongxiaoXinghua Technology Co., Ltd., the solar energy project with Wanke EnergyTechnology Co., Ltd., the project for coffee distribution, promotion of coffeeculture, and establishment of a coffee inspection center and free tradeinspection area with Hong Kong Encash Investment Company Limited, and the goldmining project with Cyber Credit Technology (Hong Kong) Limited.
To commend individuals who have given outstanding contributions toPeru's economic and trade development, the Office also held an honorspresentation ceremony. Mr. Hidelfonso Guevara Honores and Mr. Jose EduardoMariño Arquiñigo presented honorary medals to recipients in recognition oftheir important contributions to Peru.
Ms. Wan Yuk Chee, Chairmanof Asia Cosmos Group Limited, said, "I am honoredto accept two Medals of Honor from Peru. Peru is one of the fastest-developingcountries in South America. The Peruvian government has been activelyintroducing policies that create an investor-friendly environment. During theyear from 2017 to 2018, the foreign direct investment Peru received grew fromUS$6.8 billion to US$8 billion, which demonstrated how foreign countriesrecognize Peru's development potential. I look forward to the investors in HongKong, Macau, and China getting to know Peru's wide-ranging prospects better,and invest in the country from a global perspective."
List of Honorees:
Name | Position | Contributions | Medals Received |
Mr. Leung Chio Meng | Business Ambassador of Peru States & Provinces Economic, Trade, and Cultural Office in Hong Kong | Important contributions to regional and provincial government of Peru
| Two Medals of Commercial Ambassador |
Mr. Ho Kwai Yau Tony | Honorary President of PeruCham Hong Kong / Managing Director of Cyber Credit Technology (Hong Kong) Limited | Important contributions to regional and provincial government of Peru and the establishment of the Peru Chamber | Two Medals of Honor |
Ms. Wan Yuk Chee | Honorary President of PeruCham Hong Kong / Chairman of Asia Cosmos Group Limited
| Important contributions to regional and provincial government of Peru and the establishment of the Peru Chamber | Two Medals of Honor |
Mr. Chen Haiyun | General Manager of Yunhai International Holding Limited | Important contributions to regional and provincial government of Peru | Medal of Counselor |
Mr. Yip Tze Wai Albert | Charter President of PeruCham Hong Kong / Director of Cosmos Economic Cooperation and Urban Development Limited | Important contributions to the establishment of the Peru Chamber
| Medal of Honor |
Mr. Tsoi Ching Tak Jacky | Honorary President of PeruCham Hong Kong / Director of Cosmos Economic Cooperation and Urban Development Limited | Important contributions to the establishment of the Peru Chamber
| Medal of Honor |
Mr. Wong Kai Chi Henry | First Vice President of Lions Club of Hong Kong / Committee Member of The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association | Important contributions to the establishment of the Peru Chamber
| Medal of Honor |
Ms. Hsu Ming Lan
| General Manager of Hong Kong Encash Investment Company Limited | Important contributions to the agricultural trading in regional and provincial government of Peru | Medal of Agricultural Trade |
The principal duty of the Regional and Provincial Government of PeruHong Kong Office is the promotion of the provincial municipalities ofChanchamayo and Utcubamba in Hong Kong, Macau, and the Greater China area inorder to strengthen bilateral trade. Its other responsibility is to attractinvestments for a wide range of projects encompassing agriculture, trade,technology, and tourism. Peru is one of the fastest-developing countries inwestern South America. Foreign direct investment in Peru reached US$6.8 billionin 2017 and US$8 billion in 2018, mainly focusing on mining, financial,electricity, telecommunications, and industry sectors.
Asia Cosmos Group Limited (ACG), established in 2008, is acomprehensive enterprise focusing on finance, management consulting, tradedevelopments, and innovative technology. The Group has a global market presenceacross Greater China, Asia Pacific, America and Europe. ACG is positioned as apioneer in investing in high growth companies and industries such as innovativetechnology, renewable energy, and natural resources. Through the Group's strongnetworks, we help corporate clients to increase the value via businesspartnership, consolidation with our invested companies, merge and acquisition,etc. We offer management consultancy services to enable our business partnersto further enhance their internal control system, strengthen their corporate governance,streamline their business operation and expand their distribution networks.
ACG aims to provide support and value-added services to ourindividual and corporate clients for long-term growth, and will continuouslytake innovative technology industry and the Belt and Road policy as ampleopportunities which the Group has been focusing on.