, together with the company’s management, celebrates the historic moment at CTF Life’s suite at KTSP.)

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 7 August2019 - LastSaturday, in celebration of 5 years since successfully launching its LifeInsurance business in Singapore, 40 members of Etiqa Insurance took part in aCorporate Social Responsibility event jointly organised with the LionsBefrienders. The beneficiaries were seniors residing in the mature Tampines Eastestate who have no or little family and social support, and are at risk ofsocial isolation.
Each beneficiary received a goody bag containingessentials and food items donated by staff, who then visited the homes ofelderly beneficiaries to present the gifts. With close to 200 bags contributed,the event also saw a large turnout that included participants' friends andfamily. The event's eventual success was best measured, however, in theenjoyment of its beneficiaries amidst warm company.
Etiqa's consistent commitment to thecommunity is woven into its business approach. Maintaining a focus on renderingits services accessible to the layman, the company's marketing campaigns havebeen the subject of much industry acclaim, garnering two consecutive 'MarketingInitiative of the Year -- Singapore' titles presented by Insurance Asia Awards,most recently for Tiq Home Insurance's campaign in July 2019. Etiqa emphasisesapproachability while never compromising on service quality andprofessionalism, efforts succeeding which were acknowledged in Fitch ratings,upgraded this year from 'A-' to 'A' by the credit ratings agency. The firmcontinues to grow its online presence through its digital channel, Tiq, withthe goal of becoming Singapore's leading digital insurer within reach.
A member of Maybank group, the fourth largestbanking group in Southeast Asia with 19 branches in Singapore, Etiqa has come along way. Beginning in 2014 with 11 life products and 9 riders, its LifeInsurance business has since expanded significantly to comprise 23 differentlife product offerings and 10 riders, ranging from protection, savings andretirement, to legacy planning and universal life solutions, catering to themass affluent to high net worth segments. The fast-growing insurer has beenprogressing steadily and belongs to among the top life insurance companies inSingapore.
Mr. Sue Chi Kong, Chief Executive Officer ofEtiqa Insurance Pte. Ltd. has this to say, "As we continue to expand itsbusiness lines, we have to remember one of our most important organisationalaims, which is to place people over policies, and connect with people on apersonal level about how we can help them live better and plan for a betterfuture. We believe in continuously building trust with our customers and CSRactivities that we organise or take part in certainly contribute to achievingthis."
While making strides in its business, Etiqaremains constantly attentive to its social impact and community it operates in.The firm looks forward to continue embedding volunteerism in its culture andmaking a positive difference by engaging and giving back to the community withmore initiatives and events, with opportunities for public participation.
Protecting customers since1961, Etiqa is a licensed life and general insurance company registered in theRepublic of Singapore. We are regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore(MAS) and governed by the Insurance Act.
With a comprehensive suiteof protection, savings, retirement and legacy planning solutions, we arecommitted to helping our customers plan for a better future. Rated "A" by Fitchin April 2019 for our financial strength and stable outlook, we humaniseinsurance by placing people over policies.
Etiqa is owned by MaybankAgeas Holdings Berhad, a joint venture company that combines local marketknowledge with international insurance expertise. The company is 69% owned byMaybank, the fourth largest banking group in Southeast Asia, and 31% by Ageas,an international insurance group with footprints across 16 countries and aheritage that spans over 190 years.