SEOUL,SOUTH KOREA - Media OutReach - 25 JULY 2019 - From D-EDGEresearch findings from the past year, hotels in the Asia Pacific are undercut30-40% of the time have a 31% lower rate conversion on their website. That is ahuge swathe of revenue missed out if hotels do not tighten up on parity. *
Wholesalersare cited by 59% as the main reason for rate disparity, followed by onlinetravel agents at 39% and technology/channel manager issues at 33%. ^
Withthe decline of rate parity, hotels are strategising to reshape the way theysell rooms online. In a half day conference in SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA on 24 September 2019, the Hotel Digital Labconcentrates on a wealth of information for hoteliers who want to maximisetheir online sales around the theme: "Hotel online distribution: what reallysells rooms today?"
Alongwith D-EDGE, expert partners will share their tips to guide you on how todecipher which trends are really impacting our industry and what caneffectively work for your hotel. The Hotel Digital Lab Seoul partners areGoogle, IDeaS, and Triptease, who will also take the tour with us in selectedcities as well. Details are available and updated periodically onhoteldigitallab.com. Register for the event in Seoul as seats is limited.
The Hotel Digital Lab introduced in 2016had hoteliers who participated in our conference for the last three years,overwhelmingly requesting for turnkey solutions. This new series of Digital Labtour for 2019 includes additional cities worldwide with an inaugural event inSydney.
"Withparity clauses and prices shifting within the hotel industry, this is our wayof sharing the latest trends, best practices as well as relevant solutions thathoteliers can apply to drive room bookings online. D-EDGE is pleased to bringthe 4th year of Hotel Digital Labconference to Seoul. This conference has inspired hoteliers around the AsiaPacific and Europe with the knowledge to steer them on techniques to leverageon price flexibility within a broader revenue management strategy.
Wehope this conference would instil confidence and navigate the ever-changingworld of digital with a comprehensive guide to more online room sales in SouthKorea," expressed Christine Tan, Managing Director Asia Pacific of D-EDGEHospitality Solutions.
As the Hotel Digital Labs are dedicatedto hoteliers and spearheaded by industry leaders, participation in theconference nearest to them are complimentary.
Toregister for a pass to the half-day event throughout Europe and Asia, pleasevisit hoteldigitallab.com/lab, select the city you wish to attend and registerwith us.
The Event of the year Not To BeMissed!
* https://www.fastbooking.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Ebook-FB_Triptease-online.pdf
^ https://www.phocuswire.com/OTA-Insight-Hotel-Parity-Review
D-EDGE's Hotel Digital Lab is a learning lab for hoteliers toincrease their profits in a digital world!
Dedicated to hoteliers and spearheaded by industry leaders, thisconference covers the latest trends, technology and current issues hoteliersare concern about and provides turnkey solutions that would shape thefundamentals of distributions.
It provides hoteliers with an opportunity to re-think andre-conceptualise the flow of the booking sequence with a broader revenuemanagement strategy.
Established from the merger of twolong-established hospitality digital solution providers, D-EDGE offersleading-edge, cloud-based, e-commerce solutions to more than 11,000 hotels inover 100 countries.
Combining the technical excellenceof Availpro with the digital marketing expertise of Fastbooking, D-EDGE bringsa holistic hospitality technology infrastructure under one roof. The integratedrange of solutions covers all stages of hotel distribution which encompasses:Central Reservation System, Data Intelligence, Connectivity Hub, Digital Media,and Website Creation.
With a team of 350 experts locatedin over 20 countries, D-EDGE provides localised support, services and tools.With its global network of 500+partners, D-EDGE's ever-expanding ecosystem is apositive place to do business and grow.
website: https://www.d-edge.com/
video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XsbM_pD8es&t=27s