HONG KONG, CHINA - EQS - 23 July 2019 - A fully integratedbiopharmaceutical company -- Uni-Bio Science Group Limited (the "Company",together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"; Stock code: 0690.HK) are pleasedto announce that after trading hours , the Group have successfully completed a private placement of HKD30million of new shares with a new strategic investor. The proceeds from thefund raising will be used as initial capital to progress three new corporatedevelopment projects towards the next stage, with hopes to further strengthenthe Group's portfolio positioning and build long term value for shareholders.
The transaction is subscribed by an investment entity of CHMTPeaceful Development Fund Management Limited, headquartered in HongKong, which is a multi-strategy fund with worldwide investments, in bothprivate and public markets with Asset Under Management (AUM) more than USD 5 billion.The Fund focuses on real estates, private equity, new technology andinfrastructure as primary footprint, and it is also actively involved incorporate finance, cash equities and fixed income investments. After acomprehensive review of R&D innovation ability, business operation,corporate governance and positive stock price performance of the group in thepast year, the Fund decided to subscribe to a total of 215,800,000 shares,which will account for 3.48% of the company's issued equity, with a one yearlockup period.
Mr. Kingsley Leung, Chairman of and Executive Director ofUni-Bio Science Group Limited said, "We developed a relationship with CHMTpeaceful development fund for over a year and they have performed extensive duediligence on the Group's business. I am excited they finally pulled the triggerto invest in us. The timing is impeccable, especially as the Group is about tolaunch two new exciting products with billion-dollar potential. I believe CHMTsees the attractive valuation of the Group, and with their strong network ofhedge funds and banks, they can significantly add value by increasing thecompany's share-of-voice in the capital markets. This is especially true asmany secondary market investors are interested in looking at pre-revenue biotechsafter the approval of the chapter 18A listing rule of the HKEX last year. Ihope to work more closely with CHMT to share the Group's story to moresophisticated investors".
Uni-Bio Science GroupLimited is principally engaged in the research and development, manufacture anddistribution of pharmaceutical products. The research and development center isfully equipped with a complete system for the development ofgenetically-engineered products with a pilot plant test base which is in linewith NMPA requirements. The Group also has two GMP manufacturing bases inBeijing and Shenzhen. The Group is focused on the development of noveltreatments and innovative drugs addressing the therapeutic areas of endocrine asdiabetes and osteoporosis, ophthalmology and dermatology.
Uni-Bio Science GroupLimited was listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange onNovember 12, 2001. Stock code: 0690.