, Wong Su-jhen (Chief Secretary of Energy Administration), Chang Ming-ping (Director-General of Investment Promotion Department (MOEA)), Olivier Jouny (Senior Vice President Renewables, TotalEnergies), Cynthia Kiang (Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs), XS Koo (Chairperson,YWPC), Hsieh Su-ya (Deputy Mayor of Yunlin County), Patrick)

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - February 26, 2019 - VerizonMedia today launched the Verizon Ads SDK, a single and modular SDK for appdevelopers that brings together the best monetization assets of AOL and Yahoo,and can provide access to complete mobile demand across Oath Ad Platforms. TheSDK is integrated with the IAB Tech Lab Open Measurement SDKand will replace the Flurry Monetizationand ONE Mobile SDKs, and bring a more powerful approach to app monetization.
Available from today, developers across Southeast Asia can lookforward to leverage the new SDK to improve their monetization immediately.
Designed with a commitment to trust and open partnership, theVerizon Ads SDK integrates with the IAB Tech Lab Open Measurement SDK to allowfor seamless viewability measurement by the industry's leading third-partyproviders. With this integration, publishers need only to integrate a singleSDK and advertisers have more control and can confidently access and measuremobile app inventory with their viewability vendor of choice.
The Verizon Ads SDK has been designed to support publisher SDK sizeand extensibility needs. The pluggable architecture allows for app developersto extend functionality over time and incorporate new ad placements withminimal effort. These new monetization opportunities no longer require anentirely new SDK, but rather, a small plug-in.
The Verizon Ads SDK also enables publishers to tailor the SDK totheir specific needs, reducing the overall SDK footprint. For example, VerizonMedia's own properties, such as Yahoo Sports and Yahoo Finance, are adopting acustomized version of the SDK to fit their individual monetization efforts.
Mobile publishing and technology have evolved significantly over thepast decade, yet ad SDKs - a critical component of mobile monetization - havelargely remained the same. App developers are forced to make trade-offs betweenrevenue and user experience due to SDK size, integration cost, and ad formatsupport, among other factors. With the release of the Verizon Ads SDK, appdevelopers and publishers will now have the modern tools they need to say 'yes'to both revenue and user experience, instead of having to choose between them.
For more information on the Verizon Ads SDK and how to integrate,visit sdk.verizonmedia.com. Developerscan look forward to improving their monetization today.
Verizon Mediais a division of Verizon at the intersection of media, advertising andtechnology building a member-centric ecosystem created to serve billions.Verizon Media is shaping the future as a global leader in digital and mobile.For more information, visit https://www.verizonmedia.com/.