3 out of 4 Singaporeans prefer Heng Swee Keat over Chan Chun Sing as next Prime Minister: Yahoo Poll

January 25, 2019 - 07:21
3 out of 4 Singaporeans prefer Heng Swee Keat over Chan Chun Sing as next Prime Minister: Yahoo Poll

Yahoo News Singaporepoll found that three times as many Singaporeans preferred the finance ministerto be the next leader of the country, over Trade and Industry Minister ChanChun Sing

  • 75% of Singaporeans preferred Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat as PM, compared to 25% for Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing
  • 60% viewed Heng positively compared to 44% for Chan
  • 62% would be happy with either Heng or Chan as PM
  • A small proportion of respondents have not heard of either Ministers


    SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 25 January2019 - FinanceMinister Heng Swee Keat is the preferred choice for Prime Minister for the vastmajority of Singaporeans if they had to pick between him and Trade and IndustryMinister Chan Chung Sing, according to a survey commissioned by Yahoo NewsSingapore.

    75 per cent of Singaporeans favoured Minister Hengcompared to 25 per cent who backed Minister Chan.

    The survey of 916 citizens was conducted by BlackboxResearch from 14 to 26 December last year, the month after Heng was appointedas the first assistant secretary general of the ruling People's Action Partyand Chan was appointed second assistant secretary general.

    It found that the majority of those polled -- 62 percent -- said they were happy with either Heng or Chan as the next primeminister, while 38 per cent said they would prefer someone else.

    When asked of their impressions of the two leaders,60 per cent of respondents viewed Minister Heng positively, while 44 per centof them had either a "quite positive" or a "very positive" impression ofMinister Chan.

    A slightly larger percentage viewed Minister Channegatively, at 27 per cent compared to 17 per cent for Minister Heng -- andabout a quarter of respondents had no opinions of the two men, at 25 per centand 22 per cent, respectively.

    Though political succession remains a focus forSingaporeans as we approach the 4th Generation of leaders, 4 per cent ofSingaporeans said that they have never heard of Minister Chan and 2 per centhave not heard of Minister Heng.

    The Blackbox Research surveyed Singaporeans from theage of 15 to over 50. Those aged 50 and above accounted for 40 per cent of therespondents, 28 per cent came from the 35 to 49 age category, and 24 per centwere from the 25 to 34 age group. Those in the 15 to 24 age group comprised 8per cent of respondents.

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