MACAU, CHINA - MediaOutReach - January 23, 2019 - Igniting Macau with the power and intensity of a lightningbolt, the hugely anticipated Elēkron -- the world's first all-electric indoortheatrical stunt show -- launched with a bang at Studio City tonight as itexcited celebrities, dignitaries and VIP guests at its spectacular worldpremiere.
A host honored guests-including executives of Melco and Stufish, Macau SAR Government officials attended the grand opening ceremony to celebrate the show's official launch.
Elēkron represents a beacon of hope in a fictional post-apocalyptic world. In this fantasy realm, the performers play a unified nomadic tribe who must race against time to confront and redirect powerful electrical forces, creating a heroic story of survival in a land where nature has careened out of control.
Elēkron performs with all-electric sports cars, customized buggies, quads, trials bikes and FMX bikes wowed the crowd with a succession of high-octane feats and daredevil jumps performed at super-close range to the audience, while fireworks and pyrotechnics provided added flashes of excitement throughout.
One eye-catching highlight includes setting a Porsche on fire and driving it around the arena while motorcycle riders and buggy drivers chaotically drop in from the top of a huge projection screen at a height of 12 meters, at an incredibly steep 65 degree angle and come screeching to a halt just a couple meters from the audience.
Following the unprecedented success of The Houseof Dancing Water at City of Dreams, Elēkron is the latest must-see attractionbrought to the city by Melco Resorts & Entertainment. Developed inpartnership with globally renowned entertainment architects Stufish, andwith the full support of the Macau SAR Government. The show features dozens of powerful custom-made electric vehiclesdesigned exclusively for Elēkron, engaged in a rapid succession of excitingfeats.
Before the premiere, a host of honored guests --including executives of Melco and Stufish, Macau SARGovernment officials and Elēkron ambassador Shawn Yue -- attended thered carpet event and grand opening ceremony to celebrate the show's officiallaunch. For the next 75 minutes, the death-defying stunts and non-stop actionkept guests glued to the edge of their seats.
Elēkron is an ancient Phoenician word meaning"shining light", and in the context of the show it represents a beacon of hopein a fictional post-apocalyptic world. In this fantasy realm, the performersplay a unified nomadic tribe who must race against time to confront and redirect powerful electrical forces, creating a heroic story of survival in aland where nature has careened out of control.
Against the backdrop of an abandoned powerstation, all-electric sports cars, customized buggies, quads, trials bikes andFMX bikes wowed the crowd with a succession of high-octane feats and daredeviljumps performed at super-close range to the audience, while fireworks andpyrotechnics provided added flashes of excitement throughout. One of the showshighlights came from The Kangaroo Kid, two times Guinness World Record holderof the Longest Ramp Jump on a Quad Bike, who stopped the audience'shearts with his highly technical maneuvers and bold jaw dropping stunts on hispowerful quad bike. All of the excitement throughout the night is confined to atight space of only 900 square meters, smaller than an Olympic size swimmingpool, requiring drivers to have impeccable control over their high-torqueelectric vehicles.
Other highlights include setting a Porsche onfire and driving it around thearena while motorcycle riders and buggy drivers chaotically drive up and drop infrom the top of a huge projection screen at a height of 12 meters, at an incrediblysteep 65 degree angle and come screeching to a halt just a couple meters fromthe audience. The biggest cheer of all arrived when an electric biplane soaredright over the crowd with seven world-class aerial wing-walkers dancing on top.
Assembled from all over theworld, the cast of Elēkron is comprised of more than 150 international performers,creative specialists, designers and technicians. All the vehicles featured inthe show are bespoke and designed from scratch, and powered by Tesla motors with a custom-designed control system. Defying the laws of nature andmankind, Elēkron is set to electrify Macau starting tomorrow.
Mr. Lawrence Ho, Chairman andCEO of Melco Resorts & Entertainment, said: "Elēkron is the latest in a long line of firsts for Melco andMacau. Together, we are creating a world class destination for tourismand the MICE industry. And like everything we do at Melco, it's aproduct of successful, creative, hardworking partnerships with some of theworld's finest talents. I'd like to thank our co-producers Stufishfor bringing this spectacle to life, and the Macau Government forcontinued support and enthusiasm for the innovations we bring to thecity."
Maria Helena de SennaFernandes, Director of the Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO)said: "We appreciate Melco's efforts in bringing yet another world-classattraction to Macau through Elēkron. We believe the launch of Elēkron will onceagain put Macau at the forefront of the global entertainment industry. TheMacao Government Tourism Office will continue to collaborate with leadingresorts like Studio City, to further promote Macau as a top global destinationfor leisure and entertainment."
Shawn Yue, Hong Kong celebrityand Elēkron ambassador, said: "That was intense! I knew this show was going to be somethingspecial but nothing can prepare you for what it's like to see those incrediblestunts being performed at ultra-high speeds right in front of you-it wasabsolutely mind-blowing!! "
"Elēkron has proven that everything is possible!All the death-defying stunts have such a small margin for error, thechoreography of every jump, dive, and leap has been dialed to perfection. I just love the highly technical and originaltheatrical experience Elēkron created, it is definitely a high-energy,adrenaline-pumping and exciting live show to watch!"
Mr. Ray Winkler, CEO andDesign Director of Stufish Entertainment Architects said: "From our first meeting with Melco, we knew that we had thechance to create something original here in Macau, and I think the resultsspeak for themselves. Combining Stufish's expertise in creating world-classperformance experiences with Melco's bold and pioneering vision, Elēkron setsdizzying new standards for live entertainment."
To experience and enjoy the world's mostelectrifying stunt show, special packages are available now. For showinformation, tickets and package details, please visit https://www.studiocity-macau.com/en/promotions/detail/elekron/index.html
About Studio City
Studio City is set to take Macau's entertainmentdestination proposition to unprecedented new levels, by providing a 'nextgeneration' of outstanding entertainment-driven leisure destination experiencesthat will help the territory's evolution into a truly international tourismcenter.
The Hollywood-themed studio-concept resort is athrilling new cinematic inspired entertainment and leisure destination and isdesigned to be the most diversified entertainment offering in Macau. Ideallylocated on Cotai, close to the Lotus Bridge immigration point connectingHengqin Island and a future station-point for the Macau Light Rapid Transit,Studio City will deliver more world-class entertainment amenities than anyintegrated resort in the market.
Studio City's stunning Art Deco facade includes the "Golden Reel", the world's highest figure-8 Ferris wheel which straddles theresort's two-tower hotel at a height of some 130 meters. The integrated resortwill provide the ultimate in sophisticated leisure entertainment, hotel,retail, dining and lifestyle experiences.
The resort's innovative entertainment offeringsinclude "Studio City Event Center", a 5,000-seat multi-purpose entertainmentcenter designed to host live concerts, theatrical and sporting events; and "Studio 8", a300-seat live-audience TV broadcast studio for reality and game-showproductions distributed in the Asia region. The entertainment experiences alsoinclude "Batman Dark Flight" a Warner Bros. Batman-themed 4D flight simulation,and "Warner Bros. Fun Zone", a 40,000-square-foot family entertainment centerfor kids filled with many franchise characters and play-rides from Warner Bros.and DC Comics.
Studio City is destined to deliver anunparalleled leisure entertainment and hospitality experience, strengtheningthe depth and diversity of Macau's leisure, business, and tourism propositionas a leading visitor destination in Asia.
About Stufish
Stufish, founded by the late and legendary MarkFisher, has an international award-winning portfolio including theatrical andmusical productions, touring shows, concerts, as well as permanent/temporaryentertainment architecture. Some examples of Stufish's high profile toursinclude Elton John's Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour, the Rolling Stones' No Filter tour, Beyoncé and Jay Z's, On The Run II tour, and U2Experience + Innocence 2018, as well as tours for Madonna, Lady Gaga,Robbie Williams and more. Exhibition design includes Pink Floyd: TheirMortal Remains, the highly acclaimed and largest selling music exhibition ofall time at London's Victoria and Albert Museum. Award winning examples oftheir bespoke permanent building designs are the Han Show Theatre and Dai ShowTheatre in China. UAE projects include the FIFA World Cup Opening & Closingceremony Abu Dhabi 2009, UAE 4th Anniversary Show Abu Dhabi 2012, Qasr alHosn-Story of a Fort Abu Dhabi 2013, and Qasr al Hosn master planningcompetition 2015. Stufish also designed the opening and closing ceremonies ofthe Beijing Olympics 2008, the Asian Games 2010, and the 5th AIMAG OpeningCeremony in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 2017, as well as many sets for TV shows ofwhich the MTV Video Music Awards (2017) and the National Television Awards(2018) in the UK are recent examples.
Safe HarborStatement
This press release contains forward-lookingstatements. These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of theU.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company may alsomake written or oral forward-looking statements in its periodic reports to theU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), in its annual report toshareholders, in press releases and other written materials and in oralstatements made by its officers, directors or employees to third parties.Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about theCompany's beliefs and expectations, are forward-looking statements.Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and anumber of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those containedin any forward-looking statement. These factors include, but are not limitedto, (i) growth of the gaming market and visitation in Macau and thePhilippines, (ii) capital and credit market volatility, (iii) local and globaleconomic conditions, (iv) our anticipated growth strategies, (v) gamingauthority and other governmental approvals and regulations, and (vi) our futurebusiness development, results of operations and financial condition. In somecases, forward-looking statements can be identified by words or phrases such as"may", "will", "expect", "anticipate", "target", "aim", "estimate", "intend", "plan","believe", "potential", "continue", "is/are likely to" or other similarexpressions. Further information regarding these and other risks, uncertaintiesor factors is included in the Company's filings with the SEC. All informationprovided in this press release is as of the date of this press release, and theCompany undertakes no duty to update such information, except as required underapplicable law.