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HONG KONG, CHINA - Media Outreach- November 15,2018 - Kenetic, ablockchain investment and advisory firm based in Hong Kong, has revealed thatits proprietary investment portfolio has recorded year-to-date returns of 77percent as of October 31, 2018, against a backdrop of major losses in thecryptocurrency market.
Afterhitting its record high in December 2017, Bitcoin has fallen over 50 percent in2018 and the overall crypto market is down around 65%.
Kenetic's proprietary investment portfolio is comprised ofits best ideas that have undergone thorough due diligence by its experiencedinvestment team. Its alpha-generating strategies are largely focused on earlystage investments, catalyst driven events and macro themes, complemented byprudent risk management and proprietary in-house trading tools.
"As active leaders in the global blockchain community, wesee where the strongest investment opportunities lie and rising trends that areinfluencing traditional industries," said Daniel Weinberg, CEO of Kenetic."During this volatile period, our proprietary investment portfolio continued tooutperform many crypto funds as a result of our deep institutional investmentexperience and strong risk management."
To facilitate professional investor access to theseopportunities, Kenetic and Venture Smart Asia Limited(VSAL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Venture Smart Financial Group (VSFG) anda Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission-licensed corporation thatprovides wealth management and asset management services, have established astrategic partnership that will give qualified professional investors access tocryptocurrency investment funds.
Through this partnership, the two companies will worktogether to develop cryptocurrency investment funds for professional investorsleveraging the respective expertise and resources of both entities. Distributedby VSAL, the new funds will offer eligible investors the ability to diversifytheir portfolios with digital assets across different passive and activestrategies.
"VSAL and Kenetic have a strong partnership and are buildinginstitutional-grade investment products in the digital asset space," said MarkBrady, Executive Director at VSFG. "We work with the best partners to buildproducts that will meet the highest standards of any buy-side institution.Pairing Kenetic's blockchain expertise with VSAL's customized asset managementsolutions will help institutional investors gain access to fund products thatsuit their needs."
About Kenetic
Kenetic is a blockchain firmcommitted to expanding the development and adoption of blockchain technologythrough investments, advisory services, markets and trading. At Kenetic, webelieve in building a sustainable community around blockchain, and have built aworld-class team and network of partners across our platform of services. Formore information, please visit www.kenetic.capital.
About VSFG
Venture Smart Financial Group(VSFG) is a diversified financial services group that provides clients withcustomized asset management solutions through its subsidiaries to seize globalinvestment opportunities. VSFG is committed to helping individuals, familiesand corporations meet their financial objectives. For more information, pleasevisit www.vsfg.com.
Venture Smart Asia Limited isa licensed corporation regulated by the SFC for types 1 (dealing insecurities), 4 (advising on securities) and 9 (asset management) regulatedactivities pursuant to the SFO ("VSAL") with CE No. BCO 369.
This press release is forgeneral information only and should be used solely for reference and not forany other purposes, commercial or otherwise.
For the avoidance of doubt, this press release is not intended to be and doesnot constitute (a) investment advice or recommendation or (b) an offer to sellor issue or a solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for any securities.This press release does not form the basis of and should not be relied upon inconnection with any contract or commitment.
Any investment decision mustbe made solely on the basis of your own due diligence and assessment and youshould seek professional advice as appropriate. Neither VSFG nor Kenetic northeir respective subsidiaries, affiliates, shareholders, directors, officers,employees, consultants or agents accept any liability whatsoever for anydecisions taken based upon this press release.
No representation or warranty, express or implied, is given or made. Theinformation in this press release has not been audited. Actual realised returnson unrealised or illiquid investments may differ materially. Allforward-looking statements, estimates and opinions in this press release, bytheir very nature, may be based on certain assumptions and may or may not turnout to be true, and will be subject to change without notice. Any reference topast performance or return should not be taken as an indication of futureperformance or return.