KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA - Media OutReach - November 8, 2018 - On 7 November 2018, Raja Mudaof Selangor, Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Tengku Amir Shah Ibni Sultan SharafuddinIdris Shah Alhajlaunched the upcoming SAY IGNITE 2018, an event to celebrate youth of diversebackgrounds, talents and abilities.
SAY IGNITE 2018 to be heldon 11 November is a sustainable initiative that seeks toignite youth through creative content and social activities at Taman Tasik Shah Alam and its surrounding areas. In hisspeech, he said "This year SAY IGNITE2018, in keeping with its principle of inclusiveness, will be celebrating youthof different abilities."
To be held this Sunday theevent promises a number of exciting activities throughout the day. He also took the opportunity to invite the youth and all Selangor residents to the event and join the activities.
Selangor Youth Community(SAY) is a non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organisation thataims to create a community of youth, by youth for youth. SAY IGNITE is aplatform to promote the colours and ambitions of the youth of Selangor.
It features programmes suchas motivational talks, exhibition boots, demonstrations and activities in thefour focus areas of SAY, among others. Therefore, it places focus on the fourpillars of Arts and Culture, Community Service, Entrepreneurship and Sports& Health.
It allows youths theopportunity to share feedback on issues relevant to their generation, as it lets them discover,develop and fine tune their talents and passion with the aim that they willplay an important role in charting and shaping the future of Selangor and thenation.
Following the success of last year, SAY IGNITE 2018 to be held on 11 November will showcase these activities, among others:
A Youth Debate and forum | Traditional games |
Musical and art performances | Food trucks |
A cycling event - Ride your city '18 | Introduction to Sailing Class |
Marketplace and exhibition | Water Safety Campaign |
A fun run, ride and roll | Record Breaking Attempt |
Food trucks | Wayang Pacak (Open Theatre) |
3 x 3 street soccer |