SEOUL,KOREA - Media OutReach -9 November 2018 - The cryptocurrency market is bearish, and everyone islooking for new ways to make money. The combination of options and futures willcertainly become an opportunity. In short, options and futures have theadvantages of the high efficiency of capital use, convenient trading, and lowcredit risk, which have solved many investors' concerns to some extent.
JEX believesthat the current token trading market has problems such as lack of varieties inproduct model, lack of leverage and short-selling mechanisms, etc. JEX COO WuHao explained, when selecting the underlying asset, JEX will focus on theliquidity of the currency. Only BTC, ETH, EOS, BNB, HT, and NEO contracts arenow available on the platform. The option underlying asset needs to meet threerequirements: there are USDT trading pairs, trading on large trading platforms,and sufficient liquidity. Secondly, the product design is simple and suitablefor ordinary users to participate. In addition to publishing a series ofintroductory articles about options in the Help Center of the website, JEX alsoprovides users with various tutorial content, including text, comics, andvideos. It offers options training courses for all new users with professionalinstructors' online explanation/answers. Users can also get a trial accountwith 100USDT to learn options trading methods through real trading. All lossesincurred during the trial account transaction are borne by the platform, andall profits are owned by the user.
The JEXplatform introduced self-sell options function. Users can pledge margin throughthe JEX platform and sell the options contracts on the market. JEX CEO Chen Xinbelieves that the fairness of option selling/pricing and trading is guaranteedby allowing users to fully participate in every aspect of option selling andtrading. The JEX platform has launched its own platform token, which theholders can enjoy trading fee discount and can also be used as part of themargin when sell options. Each quarter of the JEX platform will also regularlyrepurchase platform tokens circulating in the market with fee income asinvestor protection fund.
Eventhough JEX is positioned as the derivatives trading platform, users who tradederivatives may also have the need to trade spot goods. Therefore,cryptocurrency spot trading and index trading are also available on theplatform, and futures trading will also be online soon. The development of the first phase of the JEX futurescontract has been completed, and the invitation to the beta version isofficially opened. Users can apply for beta testing through online customerservice (or find us in our telegram group). After your application has beenpassed, you will be qualified for beta testing and receive 10,000 USDT ofvirtual funds. During the beta testing process, the user can submit theimprovement suggestions and bug information found during the test to our customerservice and receive a reward of up to 100,000 JEX.
Wu Haosaid that the platform will further optimize the market's mainstream futuresbusiness design, such as using the liquidation line to anchor spot prices,dynamic maximum leverage and dynamic limit position risk control mode to reducethe risk of margin call. JEX believes that the launch of futures products willalso develop a user base for options products. In addition, the platform isconsidering launching index and portfolio investment tools in the future tofacilitate users trading.
Made of 50employers, the JEX team has completed angel round financing from Huobi and NodeCapital. The core team is from OKCoin and has extensive experience in productdesign, development, and operation of the blockchain asset trading platform.
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