HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 2 November 2018 - We Doctor Holdings Limited ("WeDoctor"), China's leading technology-enabled medical and healthcare solutions platform, announced today the official launch of the WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform and the appointment of Mr Anthony Wu, standing committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee and former Chairman of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, as the Chairman of the platform. The first city base, situated in the Zhuhai People's Hospital, also opened today to join the array of the WeDoctor Greater Bay Area "9+2" city healthcare service bases.
The WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform is driven by information technology including the internet, big data, and artificial intelligence, to create a bridge that links up and integrates the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and medical insurance services in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau. It currently has a regional network of 79 hospitals and over 10,000 medical practitioners, and has established 32 internet medical bodies, dozens of specialist collaborative alliances, and 500 pharmacies and consultation centres. It has also set up nine WeDoctor Greater Bay Area city service bases in the region. At the Zhuhai Base, an embedded medical base, functions including internet diagnosis and treatment, remote joint medical consultation and family health management are online to perform the matching of specialists and subject experts with patients and provide one-stop health management and medical services to the Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau populace.
The WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform commenced preparation at the beginning of 2018. It has heretofore completed the strategic planning and connection of the healthcare services resources in 21 prefecture-level cities, and Hong Kong and Macau, and established strategic partnerships with AIA Group, NWS Holdings, IDS Medical Systems Group, and Reproductive Healthcare Group in Hong Kong. In Guangdong, Guangzhou Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Dashenlin Pharmaceutical Group, YLZ Information Technology, China Telecom Group Guangdong Corporation, and China Unicom Corporation Limited Guangdong Branch have also come aboard the platform, to jointly create a Greater Bay Area healthcare ecosystem.
The development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area is a national strategy in China. The Greater Bay Area is one of the regions in China with the strongest composite capability, the highest degree of openness, and the most vibrant economy. The opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has set the stage for the comprehensive interaction of the Greater Bay Area. The newly established WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform will act as a bridge to connect the healthcare services of the three regions, promoting the integration of the advance healthcare technology and premium healthcare resources to elevate the overall standard of the healthcare services of the Greater Bay Area. The platform will help to create within the Greater Bay Area to provide swift and convenient services.
Mr Anthony Wu, Chairman of the WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform, said, "The Greater Bay Area is a major part of China's national strategy. Healthcare provision is one of the core focuses of the Greater Bay Area development. There exists an urgent demand for an efficient platform that consolidates resources and provides innovative services in the Greater Bay Area. As a pioneer and forerunner in the fields of internet hospital and smart healthcare, WeDoctor possesses leading innovative and practical capabilities in healthcare technology. I am honoured to have the opportunity to work with WeDoctor to drive the integration of healthcare resources in the region through internet technology and serve the 70 million people in the Greater Bay Area."
Mr Lu Ligong, Superintendent of the Zhuhai People's Hospital, said, "Zhuhai People's Hospital has forged a number of specialist alliances in the fields including interventional treatment, chest pain, and hormone metabolism. On this basis, our collaboration with WeDoctor is a win-win alliance. As a part of the WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform and adapting the innovative 'internet + healthcare' model, we will benefit more residents in the Greater Bay Area."
Photo download:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YUoF4Dftdp9KaOXpxNHV3jOrMYclLKuU
Photo 2 caption: Mr Jerry Liao, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of WeDoctor (third from left) and Mr Anthony Wu, Chairman of the WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform (fourth from left) with the management team of the Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform.
About WeDoctor
WeDoctor Holdings Limited ("WeDoctor") is China's leading technology-enabledhealthcare solutions platform, providing seamless online and offline healthcareservices as well as integration of general practitioner and specialist doctors.Founded by Jerry Liao and his team in 2010, WeDoctor operates four mainbusiness segments, namely, WeDoctor Healthcare, WeDoctor Cloud, WeDoctorInsurance, and WeDoctor Pharma.
WeDoctorbrings together government, hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical companies andfinancial institutions to create an innovative and holistic healthcareprovision and funding ecosystem. On the WeDoctor platform, there are over 2,700hospitals, 260,000 leading doctors, 20,000 pharmacies and 180 million real-nameregistered users.
Sincethe establishment of China's largest appointment registration platform --Guahao.com, WeDoctor has continued to transform the healthcare system throughtechnology with the creation of the nation's first Internet hospital - WuzhenInternet Hospital. It also launched the industry's first domestic smart healthterminal, and has made significant progress in the field of smart healthcarewith the creation of AI-enabled diagnosis systems for both Western and Chinesemedicine.
About Mr Anthony Wu
Mr Wu is a standing committee member of the ChinesePeople's Political Consultative Conference National Committee, former Chairman of the Hong Kong HospitalAuthority, and Chairman of China Resources Medical Holdings CompanyLimited. Mr Wu joined the Hong Kong Hospital Authority in 1999 and was itschairman from 2004 to 2013. He is the longest-serving chairman of the HospitalAuthority. He has led the team of the Hospital Authority to manage all publichospitals and public clinics in Hong Kong and implement the public healthpolicy of the Hong Kong SAR Government. He has also actively promoted a numberof public and private medical co-operation projects during his tenure. Mr Wu iscurrently also the principal advisor to the State Administration of TraditionalChinese Medicine of the People's Republic of China, a member of the ChineseMedicine Reform and Development Advisory Committee, and Honorary Professor inthe Faculty of Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the PekingUnion Medical College Hospital. He was a member of the State Council's MedicalReform Leadership Advisory Committee and an advisor to the Public PolicyAdvisory Committee of the National Health and Family Planning Commission.
Otherimportant public positions that Mr Wu has served include member of the 12th and13th Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political ConsultativeConference National Committee, and a member of the Chief Executive's Council ofAdvisers on Innovation and Strategic Development and the Task Force on LandSupply of the Hong Kong SAR, and has been awarded GBS and JP by the governmentof Hong Kong SAR.
Appendix 1
WeDoctor Greater Bay Area HealthcarePlatform
The WeDoctor Greater Bay Area HealthcarePlatform is an integrated service platform. An embedded medical base, functionsincluding internet diagnosis and treatment, medical body remote consultation andfamily health management are now online. The embedded medical base is animportant service model launched by WeDoctor this year. It combines theWeDoctor platform with the brick and mortar hospitals, utilising the maturehealthcare service system of the WeDoctor platform and the comprehensivemedical service of brick and mortar hospitals to realise interactive online andoffline services. Currently, the WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platformprovides online services including appointment booking, consultation, referral,and follow-up consultation, as well as offline networks comprising offlineclinics, hospitals, and pharmacies that provide services such as medicaltreatment, consultation, and medication dispensing.
Appendix 2
Hospitals/ Medical Groups in the WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform Network
City | Associated Hospital/ Medical Group |
Hong Kong | Reproductive Healthcare Group |
Guangzhou | Guangdong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Guangdong Women And Children's Hospital And Health Institute | |
Shenzhen | Southern Medical University Shenzhen hospital |
Zhuhai | Zhuhai People's Hospital |
Chaozhou | Second Hospital of Chinese Medicine in Chaoan District |
Zhanjiang | Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical University |
Foshan | Foshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine |
Dongguan | Dongguan Konghua Hospital |
Huizhou | Huizhou First People's Hospital |
Zhaoqing | Zhaoqing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine |