DFA Lifetime Achievement Award conferred to SirTerence Conran
DFA Design Leadership Award awarded to Dr. AndrewDent
DFA World's OutstandingChinese Designer goesto Mr. Lyndon Neri & Ms. Rossana Hu
HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 1 November 2018 - Today, the DFAAwards of Hong Kong Design Centre announced the 2018 recipients of the DFA Lifetime Achievement Award (DFA LAA),DFA Design Leadership Award (DFA DLA),and DFA World's Outstanding ChineseDesigner (DFA WOCD), the highest and most prestigious design honours of DFAAwards in the year. The DFA LAA is conferred to Sir Terence Conran, one of theworld's best-known designers, retailers and restaurateurs. Concurrently, this year's DFA DLA will honourDr. Andrew Dent of Material ConneXion, a leading global expert in sustainableand advanced material research and development. The DFA WOCD will go to Mr. LyndonNeri and Ms. Rossana Hu, architects andco-founders of Neri&Hu Design and Research Office. The three esteemed awardswill be presented at the Business of Design Week Gala Dinner on 7thDecember in Hong Kong.
Foundedin 2003, the DFA Awards are widely known in the industry as one of the mostimportant and prestigious honours stemming from the region. The Awardsencompasses five-major programmes, with three pillars that recognise individualcontributions to the advancement and development of design. The awardees of the2018 edition are global titans who embody the power of design and whose forwardthinking practices have indelibly impacted living in the 21stcentury.
DFA Lifetime Achievement Award 2018 (DFALAA)
The DFA Lifetime Achievement Award signifiesthe design community's respect for individuals who have made life-longcontributions to design profession, education and the society. Sir TerenceConran (United Kingdom) is one of the most successful and influential figuresin the design world. As the recipient of the DFA LAA, he is recognised for hislifelong contributions to the design profession and his visionary approach thathas shaped designs across a variety of fields. His business empire encompassesa furniture-making business, an architecture and planning group, a designcompany, a book publishing company, and over 50 restaurants. Sir Terence hascreated a global footprint of influence with business interests from London toTokyo. Brands developed at his helm include Habitat, the homeware store thatrevolutionised mass access to the stylish home design; and many others. He alsospearheaded the founding of the Design Museum. An established force in theinternational business community, Sir Terrance's exceptional achievements haveshaped a better future for humanity.
DFA Design LeadershipAward 2018 (DFA DLA)
The DFA DLA is presented to a corporate leader whoconsistently demonstrates outstanding business performance and leadership, whilstsupporting the development of design in his organisation and the internationalcommunity through strategic and innovative design solutions. This year'srecipient, Dr. Andrew Dent (United Kingdom) is a leading expert in the field ofsustainable and innovative material strategies. He is the ExecutiveVice-President & Vice-President, Library and Materials Research, MaterialConneXion, Inc., and Chief Material Scientist at SANDOW, where he plays a keyrole in the expansion of their technical knowledge. He also directs theimplementation of consulting projects as well as the selection of innovative,sustainable and advanced materials for Material ConneXion's library. In hiscurrent role Dr. Dent has helped hundreds of clients--from Whirlpool and Adidasto BMW and Procter & Gamble--develop or improve their products through theuse of innovative materials. At the vanguard of his field, his insights continueto play an important part in creating a new generation of more sustainableproducts.
DFA World's Outstanding Chinese Designer 2018 (DFA WOCD)
DFA WOCD awards designers of Chineseorigin who have significant design achievement and international recognition. Renowned design practitioners Mr. LyndonNeri and Ms. Rossana Hu (Mainland China) are founding partners of Neri&HuDesign and Research Office, a multi-disciplinary international architecturaldesign practice based in Shanghai, China. Their design philosophy is founded ona passion for showing that Chinese creativity exists, which has been built uponto deliver acclaimed projects across the globe. Spanning the fields ofarchitecture, interiors, master planning, product design and installations aswell as branding and graphics, they are one of most recognisable design practitionersworking from Mainland China today. Looking forward, they want to work onsocially engaged projects that will allow for greater engagement with generalcommunities.
In celebration of designexcellence by DFA Awards, a series of events will be held at Hong KongConvention and Exhibition Centre in December 2018:
4th December 2018 | DFA Awards Presentation Ceremony for DFA Design for Asia Awards and DFA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award |
6th December 2018 | DFA: Design for Asia Forum at Business of Design Week (BODW). Selected winners from DFA Design for Asia Awards will be invited to share their design thinking. |
7th December 2018 | Presentation Ceremony of DFA Lifetime Achievement Award, DFA Design Leadership Award and DFA World's Outstanding Chinese Designer at BODW Gala Dinner |
6th -- 8th December 2018 | DFA Awards Exhibition at DesignInspire, showcasing the winning projects or portfolios of DFA Awards 2018. It is also a parallel event to BODW. |
About DFA Awards
In 2003, the Hong Kong Design Centre launched the DFA Awards tounderpin the role of designers in society, to celebrate design excellence withimpact in Asia and for Asia, as well as to recognise the rising force ofemerging designers in Hong Kong through its five-major award programmes -The DFA Lifetime Achievement Award signifiesthe design community's respect for individuals who have made life-longcontributions to design profession, education and the society. The DFA Design Leadership Award recognisesbusiness leaders who create exceptional sustainable business success throughstrategic and innovative use of design. The DFA World's Outstanding Chinese Designer is a majoraccolade for designers of Chinese origin with significant design achievementand international recognition. The DFADesign for Asia Awards covers a wide range of design that embodiesAsian aesthetics and culture and influences the design trends in Asia and forAsia. The DFA Hong Kong YoungDesign Talent Award nurtures the development of local emergingdesigners and provides sponsorship for them to undertake work or furthereducation overseas.
About Hong KongDesign Centre
HongKong Design Centre (HKDC) was founded in 2001 as a strategic partner of theHKSAR Government in establishing Hong Kong as centre of design excellence inAsia. HKDC continues its public mission to promote wider and strategic use ofdesign and design thinking to create business value and improve societalwell-being. Our initiatives are anchored by five major work directions:CONNECT, CELEBRATE, NURTURE, ADVANCE and ENGAGE.
HKDC's flagshipprogrammes include Business of Design Week (since 2002) -- Asia's leading annualconference and event on Design, Innovation and Brands; DFA Awards (since 2003)-- a widely recognised design awards that celebrates outstanding designs withAsian perspectives; Design Incubation Programme (since 2012) and FashionIncubation Programme (since 2016) -- 2-year incubation programmes to nurturefuture design and fashion entrepreneurs; FASHION ASIA HONGKONG (since 2016) -- afashion initiative combining conversations, interactions and cultural exchangesto energise the city's image, and position it as an Asian hub for fashion tradeand business development; Knowledge of Design Week (since 2006) -- an annualthematic design knowledge sharing platform that explores how design can solvecomplex challenges of our society.