HONG KONG, CHINA - MediaOutReach - 3 September 2018 - Leo PaperGroup (Hong Kong) Limited (the "Group"), a leading global printingcommunications company based in Hong Kong, has announced that its wholly-ownedsubsidiary, Leo Paper Group Finance Limited ("Leo"), has signed a HKD350Million Four-Year Green Loan Term and Revolving Credit Facility ("Green Loan") witha group of seven leading banks. The loan is to be used in accordance with theGroup's 2018 Green Loan Framework which has earned the Green Finance ofPre-Issuance Stage Certificate issued by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency("HKQAA") on 13 August 2018. Leo is the first privately-held company in HongKong to obtain this Green Finance Certificate and complete a Green Loan.
GroupChairman Mr. Samuel Leung commented on the financing, "We are committed to be aglobal green printer and proud to be the first Hong Kong privately-held companyand the first manufacturer to receive the HKQAAGreen Finance Certificate. Thisdemonstrates that private companies committed to sustainable developments canalso meet the stringent requirements set under the HKQAA Green FinanceCertification Scheme, which had only accredited blue-chip listed companies in thepast."
"Overthe past two decades, the Group has focused on energy efficiency management,carbon and emissions reduction, solid wasteand waste water management, green buildings, resources utilisation and recyclingof natural resources. We have invested over HKD150 million on green projects inthe past six years and succeeded in saving 25.68 million kWh of electricity consumptionand reduced carbon emissions by 13,540 tonnes. With the full support from ourclose business partners and the injection of this HKD350 million Green Loan, weare geared for greener achievements in the near future."
"Leo'sGreen Loan programme has been completed in just 40 days which has set anindustry record!" said Mr. King Lai, the Group CFO. "We are grateful to allprofessional parties involved, including the HKQAA team, seven participating leadingbanks and our internal dedicated team. Through the best efforts from all of us,we finally turned this mission from impossible to possible within a limitedtimeframe. We are proud to be the pioneer among privately-held companies toobtain the Green Finance Certificate. Green is the ultimate goal and we hopemore and more industrial players will join us in the same path."
Proceeds ofthe Green Loan are to be used to finance 20 green projects of the Group in China in coming few years. Theseinclude investments in plants and facilities used by the printing industry thataim at raising energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions and waste, aswell as projects that promote green construction.
TheGroup's 2018 Green Loan Framework is now available on the HKQAA website fordownload.
Thesigning ceremony of the Group and the 7 institutions participating in the GreenLoan takes place today, demonstrates the Group's commitment in deepening itsenvironmental constructions, the participating banks are:
1. The Bank of East Asia, Ltd.
2. BNP Paribas
3. Citibank, N.A.
4. Hang Seng Bank Ltd.
5. The Hongkong and ShanghaiBanking Corporation Ltd.
6. Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
7. MUFG Bank, Ltd.
About Leo Paper Group (Hong Kong) Limited
Since1982, the Group has engaged in business as a traditional printing company andsince then, it has developed into a leading global printing communicationscompany, providing its clients with comprehensive printing services. Over theyears, the Group has continued to promote environmentally-friendly materialsand cleaner production technologies. To enhance its green manufacturingcapability, not only has the Group increased sourcing of "green" materials anddeveloped products with green technologies, but it has also reduced waste andemissions and has reused resources. The Group strives to improve theirenvironmental performance in the production and business operations to reducethe ecological footprint to help create a better future.
About the Green Finance Certification Scheme
The GreenFinance Certification Scheme was officially launched by Hong Kong Quality AssuranceAgency ("HKQAA") on 3 January 2018 to provide third-party conformity assessmentsfor Green Finance issuers. It is a strategic tool for promoting the economic developmentand regional cooperation in the Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Big Bay Area and alongthe Belt and Road. In keeping with the development of the national GreenFinance policy and being supported by the Hong Kong SAR Government, HKQAA hastaken the lead to develop the Green Finance Certification Scheme since 2016.
The electronic version of this press release is nowavailable for download.
Englishversion : https://www.leo.com.hk/PressRelease/En/
Chineseversion : https://www.leo.com.hk/PressRelease/Zh/