New foreign accounts hit 7-month low

Key international developments such as the US-China trade war, the geo-political tension in the Middle East and Brexit were attributed for the market’s volatility.


Tame the sea with “Marine Dinosaur”

When it comes to working on rigs, safety is paramount. At the the Hải Thạch - Mộc Tinh gas field workers must strictly follow safety rules and not make any mistakes. Everyone must work together to ensure smooth co-operation.
Talking Shop

Vietnamese entrepreneurs a pillar of socio-economic development

On the occasion of Vietnam Entrepreneurs' Day (October 13), President of Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and Chair of the Central Council for Vietnamese Businesses  Vũ Tiến Lộc spoke to the Vietnam News Agency about opportunities and challenges facing Vietnamese entrepreneurs in today's economy. 


Firms ask Hà Nội to further cut procedures

Enterprises with key industrial products asked Hà Nội to further cut the administration procedures and set up an official legal consultancy when they met local Department of Industry and Trade yesterday.


Petroleum manufacturing engineering: Historical imprints of PVC-MS

After more than 50 years of developing the oil and gas industry, almost all of oil and gas industry’s projects have recognised the contributions of Petroleum Equipment Assembly and Metal Structure JSC (PVC-MS). From the first oil and gas base in Vũng Tàu to self-lifting rigs, PVC-MS workers have all made contributions.

