Business Beat

Bank lending rates expected to fall in the new year

A report by securities firm SSI on the financial and monetary market says deposit interest rates are likely to be cut by 0.5- 1 percentage point this year, and lending interest rates would also be cut by at least 0.5 percentage points as required by the Government.


First international flight lands at Phú Cát airport

Hồ Quốc Dũng, chairman of the Bình Định People’s Committee, described the route as a good opportunity for his province to connect with the world, attracting more international holiday-makers and investors to the locality.


Origin fraud hurt Vietnamese steel in the long run

The DOC said it had observed a sharp increase in shipments of corrosion-resistant steel (332 per cent) and cold-rolled steel (916 per cent) from Việt Nam from 2016-19 compared to previous years since the US started imposing duties on S Korean and Taiwanese steel products in December 2015 and February 2016.

Pork prices put pressure on CPI in 2020: experts

The goal of keeping inflation below four per cent in 2020 would depend heavily on pork prices, heard a conference co-organised by the Academy of Finance and the Department of Price Management under the Ministry of Finance on Friday in Hà Nội.


Central city to host more flights from Doha

Qatar Airways plans to increase flights between Doha, Qatar, and the central city from four to seven flights per week in the second quarter of this year, just a year after the air route was launched in December 2018.

