
Live hog price to reduce to VNĐ60,000/kg

Deputy Prime Minister Trịnh Đình Dũng and Minister Nguyễn Xuân Cường on Monday in Hà Nội spoke with 15 major livestock enterprises to reduce the price of live hog to VNĐ60,000 per kilo for stability in the domestic market during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Toyota Motor Vietnam suspends vehicle production

Toyota Motor Vietnam (TMV) suspended vehicle production today. The date it will resume productions will depend on the outbreak situation, market demand, supply chain situation, stocks and the Government’s restriction regulations.


Domestic airlines reduce flight frequency to fight COVID-19

Domestic airlines are allowed to transport passengers with a frequency of one flight a day on certain routes, including Hà Nội-HCM City and vice versa, Hà Nội-Đà Nẵng, Hà Nội-Phú Quốc and vice versa; HCM City-Đà Nẵng, HCM City-Phú Quốc and vice versa.

