Local ETFs draw foreign attention

The domestic exchange-traded fund VFMVN Diamond (HoSE: FUEVFVNĐ) on Tuesday issued an additional 300,000 certificates to raise the total amount of certificates to 148.3 million.


Việt Nam Smart City Award 2020 launched

The Việt Nam Association for Software and IT Services (VINASA) on Monday launched the Việt Nam Smart City Award 2020 to promote the sustainable development of smart cities in the country.

Over 7,000 C/O issued for exports to EU in August

More than 7,200 EUR.1 certificates of origin (C/O) were issued in August for goods exports to the EU worth US$227 million since the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) took effect last month, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT).

MoIT proposes overhaul of investment framework for power projects

The development of power supply is being held back by a number of shortcomings and limitations in the country's investment framework. Mustering the financial resources required to increase the country's energy supply, which was estimated at US$8-10 billion annually, has been difficult.

Stock market makes smart recovery in August

The resurgence in Covid-19 in late July had a negative impact on the stock markets then, but thanks to the Government’s control of the outbreak along with economic stimulus and increased public investment, the stock market recovered significantly in August.

