Viettel honoured with First-class Fatherland Defence Order

June 06, 2024 - 12:47
Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group (Viettel) has received the First-class Fatherland Defence Order at a ceremony to celebrate the 35th anniversary of its founding.
Viettel was honoured for its defence, telecommunications and logistic contributions over the past 35 years. Photo courtesy of Viettel

HÀ NỘI — Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group (Viettel) has received the First-class Fatherland Defence Order at a ceremony to celebrate its 35th anniversary of its founding.

Over the past 35 years, Viettel has developed its business in four strategic pillars including domestic and foreign telecommunications; information technology solutions; industrial technology; logistics and e-commerce and others.

Its total consolidated revenue reached over VNĐ2.2 quadrillion and pre-tax profit was nearly VNĐ540 trillion over the years in operation and it has always been the leading enterprise in contributing to the State budget, with more than VNĐ433 trillion so far.

Speaking at the ceremony, Viettel’s Chairman and General Director Major General Tào Đức Thắng expressed thanks to the Party and State leaders, ministries and former Viettel directors, partners inside and outside the country and more than 120 million customers globally for their support and help in achieving such remarkable achievements.

He affirmed that Viettel is proud to be contributing to the development of the industry and the country and that together they are heading into the industry 4.0. He added that that is a valuable opportunity and Viettel needs to grasp it to pursue aspirations, high goals and pave the way for the future.

“We are committed to raising high determination to build Viettel, along with the country and people, making contributions to the Government’s development of science and technology, innovation and becoming a global high-tech corporation, a pioneer and key force in the country’s big transformations, digital transformation and green transformation,” he said.

Viettel’s chairman also noted that with big aspirations, the company will focus on seeking solutions to develop the largest and safest digital infrastructure with the most advanced technology, promote research, production, self-reliance and mastering of the high-tech industry.

Viettel has researched, mastered and produced more than 60 product lines in ten weapon and technical equipment industries for the army, ensuring security and autonomy, contributing to to improving the nation's military and defence capability. — VNS
