As a federal enterprise, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. On behalf of the German Government, GIZ currently provides advisory services to the Government of Viet Nam in three priority areas: Vocational training, Environmental policy and sustainable use of natural resources, and Energy. For further information, please visit www.giz.de/viet-nam.
The Programme on Strengthening climate resilience of poor population groups participating in coffee production in Son La and Dien Bien provinces of Vietnam, taking into account of the impact of COVID-19 needs to purchase 01 freeze-drying coffee machine.
GIZ Country Office Hanoi, under the authority of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammnarbeit would like to annouce the Tender package for supply 01 freeze-drying coffee machine.
The eligible suppliers interested in the tender can inform us officially through the Email: question-from-bidder-pog-vn@giz.de to receive the tender dossier.
The items shall be maintained by dealers in Son La province.
- Place of delivery: free to Bich Thao Coffee Cooperative – Hoang Van Thu village, Hua La commune, Son La city, Son La province
- Delivery time: Please indicate your shortest delivery time after order placement
- Payment: Payment after receipt of goods against VAT Invoice and delivery note (or can be negotiable)
GIZ will select the most economic and efficient quotation from submitted bidders, which fullfil at least the minimum technical requirements.
Bid is to be submitted in 02 original copies with full signature and stamp, 01 in Vietnamese and 01 in English, with same validity, including following documents:
1. Letter of Interest signed and sealed by authorised person
2. Company profile (incl. copy of business registration certificate)
3. Copy of audited financial report of last 03 years (incl. balance sheet, income statement, cashflow statement, tax liquidation)
4. Proof of experience for providing similar services in the past (copy of similar contracts)
5. Bidding quotation (technical proposal and financial offer incl. VAT and excl. VAT in 2 separate emails)
The documents are to be submitted to the email VN_PoG_Quotation@giz.de at the latest by 17:00 (Vietnamese time) on 20.08.2023; we request you to submit the technical offer and price quotation in two separate emails with subject as "Technical offer – PO 91174121" và “Price Offer – PO 91174121” respectively.
Bids interested in the assignment are recommended to contact GIZ by sending request to the email address: question-from-bidder-pog-vn@giz.de to receive the complete tender dossier by 17:00 (Vietnamese time) on 10.08.2023.
GIZ is obliged to ensure the confidentiality of all bidding documents submitted.
Bids sending not as formally required or after the deadline will be disqualified.
Only the winning bidder will be later contacted for order placement.