Nguyễn Dynasty gold seal must be returned home

It has recently been circulated that the most beautiful seal of the Nguyễn Dynasty is up for auction in France. It was cast in gold in the fourth year of King Minh Mạng's reign in 1823 and weighs nearly 11 kg.

A wake-up call straight from Itaewon

A famous Vietnamese saying goes, "càng đông càng vui" (the more, the merrier). But this ought to be changed to "the safer, the merrier".

Man who made Việt Nam believe in the impossible

Coach Park Hang-seo is now a household name, a popular face in advertisements. Throughout his time as Việt Nam's coach, Park never once gave in and always tried his best to improve his players each and every single day.

Embracing Hồ Chí Minh's simple lifestyle

The founding father of modern Việt Nam died more than 50 years ago, but for millions of Vietnamese, visiting the mausoleum and seeing him lying-in-state means so much.

Overseas workers struggle on return to Việt Nam

Every year, the number of overseas workers accounts for 7 and 9 per cent of total jobs, helping lift the pressure on employment at home. But the downside is that when they return home, they often cannot get a job.

Whales swimming off Bình Định bring good fortune

Việt Nam has a more than 3,000km-long coastline and a tradition of fishing, but it's not our tradition to hunt whales. Quite the opposite, whales are considered sacred animals that help and usher fishermen in distress to shore.

Beware, the vlogger pandemic is upon us

The new tây ba lô may still sport the obligatory tie-dye tees and probably own spandex psychedelic pants, but after two years of pandemic lockdown, the 2022 travellers sole obsession seems to be to narcissistically stare at their own image, recording their experience rather than absorbing the sights and sounds of the here and now.

Please leave Hồ Tây as it is

For the past weeks, Hanoians have been up and talking non-stop about a new project to build a 1,600-seat opera theatre on the site of the famous one-hundred petal Đầm Trị lotus pond.

We should give our misled youth a second chance

While a group of youths' pathetic act of retaliation must be punished, an unwanted involvement with the law could stain the future of these youths when what they need is to learn a lesson and be able to release their anger in a way that is not so damaging to them.

We must thank our healthcare workers

The corruption of some 70 people cannot and shall not break the back of our health sector. We must hold on to our faith, for we shall overcome this challenge.

Đồng Nai Biosphere Reserve must not be spoilt

Local residents and environmentalists have been spreading the news that UNESCO Việt Nam has opposed an official letter from the Đồng Nai People's Committee consulting on a contractor's proposal to build a 40km highway with a bridge across the core zone of the Đồng Nai Biosphere Reserve.

Plastic surgery: the look and the outlook

Amidst all the travails of the global pandemic that are said to have pushed people to a deeper outlook on life, I was surprised at a recent discovery: More and more millennials and generation Zs are getting into plastic surgery, ignoring or going beyond the “beauty is skin deep” adage.
