HCM City expands e-government services

November 03, 2020 - 08:00
HCM City authorities provided 668 online public administrative services at level 3 and 4 in various fields in the first quarter of the year, and more than 80 per cent of local residents and organisations said they were satisfied with the services.


People check their documents handled online through an electronic information system at the Office of Bình Thạnh District’s People’s Committee in HCM City. — VNA/VNS Photo An Hiếu

HCM CITY — HCM City authorities provided 668 online public administrative services at level 3 and 4 in various fields in the first quarter of the year, and more than 80 per cent of local residents and organisations said they were satisfied with the services.

The municipal People's Committee organised a conference last week to review its 10-year programme in administrative reform and expanding access to e-government services.

Ngô Thị Hoàng Các, deputy director of the city’s Department of Home Affairs, said that in the past 10 years, administrative procedures have been simplified and the quality of civil servants has improved.

Several solutions, effective models and initiatives have shortened processing time and saved costs for online administrative procedures in various fields such as investment, land, construction and business registration.

As a result, district and commune-level administrative units handled more than 84 million documents online in the last five years.

On average, more than 16 million documents were handled online each year. The rate of documents processed on time reached 97.5 - 99.9 per cent.

All people's committees at the district level offered online business registration applications, with over 30 per cent of total documents processed online.

Since 2017, processing time for handling administrative documents fell by 30-50 per cent.

About 99 per cent of total administrative documents were done online on time.

Ngô Minh Châu, vice chairman of municipal People’s Committee, said that such reforms have helped serve people and businesses, contributed to city development, enhanced competitiveness, and attracted more investment.

In the coming time, all state agencies and units must strictly implement measures to overcome shortcomings, as well as continue to improve the quality and efficiency of administrative reforms, he said.

Heads of agencies and units must take responsibility for the performance of their agencies and units, receive recommendations, and promptly resolve complaints from individuals and organisations about administrative procedures, he said. — VNS
