Tourists hospitalised in Vũng Tàu, allegedly for food poisoning

July 16, 2020 - 15:27
Some 100 tourists have been admitted to Lê Lợi Hospital in the southern province of Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu’s Vũng Tàu City on Thursday morning with symptoms of food poisoning after a dinner party the day earlier.


One of the tourists is checked at Lê Lợi Hospital. — VNA/VNS Photo Đoàn Mạnh Dương

BÀ RỊA-VŨNG TÀU — Some 100 tourists have been admitted to Lê Lợi Hospital in the southern province of Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu’s Vũng Tàu City on Thursday morning with symptoms of food poisoning after a dinner party the day earlier.

All patients are among some 600 workers of the Việt Nam Fumigation JSC (VFC) on a company trip from HCM City. They arrived in Vũng Tàu City on Tuesday and planned to leave on Thursday.

It was reported that after a dinner party at Hera Palace Restaurant on Wednesday, at around 11pm, many of the employees started to feel sick, with symptoms of abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea and were rushed to the hospital early in the morning.

By 9am on Thursday, most of the patients were in a stable condition, given medicine and discharged. Some 30 other cases were more severe and required further attention.

The authority has taken food samples from the dinner party for testing to investigate the cause of the incident.  VNS   
