Aviation authority asks units prepare plans for unusual storm developments

August 16, 2024 - 09:51
Forecasts suggest that from now until October, the East Sea could witness the formation of approximately five to seven storms or tropical depressions, with one to three possibly making landfall.
The aviation authority has directed relevant units to proactively prevent, combat and overcome the consequences of natural disasters. Photo chinhphu.vn

HÀ NỘI – The probability of La Nina's occurrence in the coming months has raised the risk of frequent and complex storms, floods, and heavy rain, particularly in the central region airports.

According to the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, there is a 60-70 per cent likelihood of the ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) phenomenon shifting to La Nina from September to October. Between November 2024 and January 2025, ENSO is expected to maintain a La Niña state with a probability of 70-80 per cent.

Forecasts suggest that from now until October 2024, the East Sea could witness the formation of approximately five to seven storms or tropical depressions, with one to three possibly making landfall.

The average number of storms or tropical depressions during this period is usually six to seven, with around three hitting Việt Nam.

From November 2024 to January 2025, the East Sea may see three to four storms and tropical depressions, with one or two making landfall.

Historically, the average number of storms and tropical depressions during this time is three to four, with one typically impacting Việt Nam.

The complex weather events such as heavy rain, storms, and floods are forecast to particularly affect central region airports.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Việt Nam (CAAV) has therefore issued a directive for relevant units to proactively prepare for and mitigate the impact of natural disasters in the coming period.

Storm and flood prevention plans at airports

CAAV has requested the Airports Corporation of Việt Nam (ACV) and Vân Đồn International Airport to take the lead and coordinate with relevant agencies and units to strengthen inspection of airport infrastructure, communication systems and more, to promptly detect and address any damage to ensure safe operations during adverse weather conditions caused by natural disasters.

Additionally, the authority has called for the implementation of storm and flood prevention plans, measures to prevent flooding and clearing drainage systems within airports to protect infrastructure, equipment and facilities. These actions are intended to minimise damage caused by storms and to ensure that all aviation activities quickly return to normal to meet passengers' needs.

For the Việt Nam Air Traffic Management Corporation (VATM), CAAV has directed the organisation to review and enhance inspection of air traffic management infrastructure to promptly detect and address any damage, ensuring safe operations during adverse weather conditions.

Meteorological service providers in the aviation sector have been instructed to improve the quality of weather information, continuously monitor weather conditions within their areas of responsibility, update forecasts and warnings and provide timely and complete observational and forecast data to relevant aviation units.

The authority also urges airlines to closely monitor weather developments and coordinate with relevant agencies and units to adjust flight plans or schedules as necessary.

Airlines are expected to fully update meteorological information from relevant aviation meteorology agencies and take appropriate actions based on actual conditions to reduce impact and ensure safe operations during natural disasters. VNS
