Unilever Vietnam and the Pasteur Institute of HCM City continue jointly enhancing quality of life and improving Vietnamese health

May 14, 2024 - 00:00
Unilever Vietnam and the Pasteur Institute of HCM City have signed a strategic partnership memorandum (MoU) for the 2024-2029 period.


Representatives pose for a photo at the MoU in HCM City. — Photo courtesy of the company

HCM CITY --  Unilever Vietnam and the Pasteur Institute of HCM City have signed a strategic partnership memorandum (MoU) for the 2024-2029 period.

This partnership underscores Unilever Vietnam's commitment to sustainable development by improving hygiene conditions, health, and the overall quality of life for Vietnamese people.

The long-term partnership programme between Unilever Vietnam and the Pasteur Institute of HCM City focuses on three main objectives to enhance the health and living standards of the Vietnamese people:

  • Collaborating on research and quality assurance to ensure the delivery of the highest quality products to consumers.
  • Promoting and developing training activities, workshops, and conferences to improve community health.
  • Strengthening efforts in communication and education regarding hygiene and the prevention of transmissible diseases.

For over two decades, the Pasteur Institute of HCM City has effectively partnered with Unilever Vietnam in conducting numerous research and testing activities to ensure the quality of products delivered to consumers.

During this period, Unilever Vietnam has actively supported the Pasteur Institute in many training activities, workshops, and conferences aimed at improving community health, provided thousands of medical supplies during the Covid-19 pandemic and donated meaningful gifts to underprivileged communities.

Notable activities include developing communication messages on hygiene, handwashing with soap, and safe drinking water for patients and vaccine recipients at the Pasteur Institute in HCM City (2018).

The "A day as a young scientist" event to explore the benefit and effectiveness of handwashing with soap and clean water at 41 primary schools in Tân An City and Bến Lức District, Long An Province (2018); and the expert seminar "Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease prevention – Spread love, not germs" in 2023, among others.

Building on the successes of earlier periods, Unilever Vietnam and the Pasteur Institute of HCM City extend their partnership efforts to achieve the established goals. The two partners will conduct ongoing scientific research to further improve product quality. In addition, Unilever Vietnam and the Pasteur Institute of HCM City will collaborate to organise training programmes, conferences, and workshops, as well as public communication and community education campaigns aimed at promoting personal hygiene habits and preventing infectious diseases.

Nguyễn Vũ Trung, Director of the Pasteur Institute of HCM City, said "We appreciate the commitment and steadfast partnership of Unilever Vietnam over the past two decades, all directed towards our common goal of enhancing community health. With the Institute's expertise in scientific research and preventive healthcare, combined with Unilever's deep understanding of the community needs and advanced technologies, I am confident that our partnership efforts will continue to flourish."


Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân, Chairwoman of Unilever Vietnam. — Photo courtesy of the company

Nguyễn Thị Bích Vân, Chairwoman of Unilever Vietnam, affirmed “Having been operational for nearly three decades, Unilever has always aspired to deliver products and solutions that enhance the health and hygiene conditions of the Vietnamese people.

For half of that journey, partnering with leading institutions like the Pasteur Institute of HCM City exemplifies our commitment to continuously strive to produce reputable, high-quality brands.

These efforts cater to the daily needs of Vietnamese families, aim to improve community health, and contribute to a robust foundation for sustainable societal development.”  - VNS
