Hà Nội manages to raise tree coverage in urban areas

February 18, 2022 - 08:58
Hà Nội's authorities are trying to plant more trees in the city, especially in urban areas, in an effort to improve the environment and reduce air pollution.


A street covered with trees in Hà Nội. The city plans to plant more trees to reduce air pollution. — Photo baotintuc.vn

HÀ NỘI — Hà Nội's authorities are trying to plant more trees in the city, especially in urban areas, in an effort to improve the environment and reduce air pollution.

This is also part of actions to respond to the Government's programme on growing one billion trees in Việt Nam during the 2021 – 2025 period.

The city has set a plan to plant 200,000-250,000 new trees for shade and timber along urban traffic routes; 200,000 fruit trees, and about 50-80 ha of forests in 2022.

It will also focus on taking care of 3,546 ha of planted forests, and managing and protecting 6,483 ha of protection and special-use forests.

In urban districts of the capital, the ratio of trees is only about 1sq.m per person at present, while the targeted rate is 7sq.m per person by 2030.

Experts said trees and water surfaces in urban areas can help reduce the air temperature by 3.3 degrees Celsius if the tree coverage rate accounts for 20-50 per cent of the urban land area.

Additionally, urban trees can also help reduce 40-50 per cent of solar radiation and absorb 70-75 per cent of solar energy.

The municipal Department of Construction has ordered relevant units to review and assess the situation, and outline an annual plan to grow more trees in urban areas, industrial parks, and along streets and roads outside the city in order to increase the tree coverage in inner-city districts.

Apart from planting trees, the department has also paid heed to planting bonsai trees, which can help ease dust and noise, and give a facelift to the capital city. — VNS
