VNA journalists among winners of second press contest on Party building

February 05, 2018 - 09:00

The second Búa Liềm Vàng (Golden Hammer & Sickle) Press Awards honoured journalists and their work about Party building on Saturday night with six first, eight second, 15 third and 25 consolation prizes. 

Journalist Lê Trí Dũng (middle)from the Vietnam News Agency receives first prize at the second Búa Liềm Vàng (Golden Hammer & Sickle) Press Awards from Võ Văn Thưởng, head of the Central Commission for Publicity and Education at a ceremony held in Hà Nội on Saturday. — VNA/VNS Photo Minh Quyết
Viet Nam News

HÀ NỘI — The second Búa Liềm Vàng (Golden Hammer & Sickle) Press Awards honoured journalists and their work about Party building on Saturday night with six first, eight second, 15 third and 25 consolation prizes.  

The contest received nearly 2,000 entries, up from 1,173 entries of the previous edition.

The first prizes went to Bắc Văn from Nhân Dân (The People) Daily, Trần Lưu from Sài Gòn Giải phóng (Liberated Saigon) newspapers, a group of journalists from Nhân Dân Television, Trí Dũng from Vietnam News Agency, Phương Liên and Nhật Nam from Government e-newspaper and Việt Anh from Vietnam Television. 

The organisation board also presented certificates of merit to outstanding press and information agencies, and Party organisations. 

Apart from Trí Dũng, journalists from the Vietnam News Agency also brought home a third prize and a consolation prize. The agency was also one of the 15 press and information agencies, and Party organisations honoured at the ceremony. 

Addressing the event, head of the CPV Central Committee’s Organisation Commission Phạm Minh Chính, also head of the organising board, said the works provided a view of Party building in Việt Nam. 

Trần Quốc Vượng, head of the CPV Central Committee’s Inspection Commission, said that Party building was a task shared by all-level Party Committees and organisations, as well as the entire political system and citizens. 

“The press plays an important role in the work,” he stressed, asking Party Committees, authorities and the Fatherland Front and other organisations to create conditions for press agencies and journalists to popularise Party building. 

The 2018 Búa Liềm Vàng Press Awards, also the third edition of the contest, was also launched on this occasion.

Party founding anniversary

A delegation of national leaders on Saturday paid tribute to President Hồ Chí Minh at his mausoleum and laid wreaths at the Heroic Martyrs’ Monument in Hà Nội on the occasion of the 88th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Việt Nam (CPV). 

The delegation included Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng, President Trần Đại Quang, Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc and President of the Việt Nam Fatherland Front Central Committee Trần Thanh Mẫn, among others. 

The leaders showed respect and gratitude towards President Hồ Chí Minh, the founder and leader of the CPV, a vanguard organisation of the working class and the nation, and a decisive factor in Việt Nam’s revolution. 

Currently, the Party, people and army are implementing the Politburo’s directive on strengthening the studying and following of the thought, morality and style of President Hồ Chí Minh in combination with the Party Central Committee’s resolution on Party building. 

At the Heroic Martyrs’ Monument, the delegation recalled the devotion of martyrs who died for national independence and reunification. 

The same day, representatives from the Central Military Commission, Defence Ministry, Public Security Ministry, the Party Committee and People’s Committee of Hà Nội and the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Organisation also paid tribute to the martyrs at the Heroic Martyrs’ Monument. — VNS
