PM Chính assigns responsibilities to his deputies

August 28, 2024 - 16:22
Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyễn Hoà Bình is assigned to supervise and direct areas related to investment planning; forecasting and macroeconomic management policies; development of types of enterprises
Newly-elected Deputy Prime Ministers Nguyễn Hoà Bình, Hồ Đức Phớc, and Bùi Thanh Sơn. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính has signed a decision on assigning the duties to Deputy Prime Ministers, following the appointment of three new ones by the National Assembly earlier this week.

Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyễn Hoà Bình is assigned to supervise and direct areas related to investment planning; forecasting and macroeconomic management policies; development of types of enterprises; collective economy and cooperatives; preventing crime, smuggling and trade fraud; anti-corruption work; inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations; ethnic and religious affairs; regular issues on emulation - rewards, administrative reform, digital transformation; amnesty; judicial reform; and coordination between the Government and the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy. He will direct the implementation of the work of the Government when the Prime Minister is absent and when authorised by the PM, and approve the investment policy on the projects in the fields he is assigned.

Deputy PM Trần Hồng Hà is in charge of monitoring and directing the areas of transport; construction; natural resources and environment; climate change; agriculture and rural development, new rural construction; flood and storm prevention, search and rescue; national master plan, regional planning, provincial planning; national key projects, basic construction investment projects in assigned fields; economic zones, industrial zones, export processing zones; and general mechanisms and policies on bidding. He will approve the investment policy on the projects in the fields he is assigned.

Meanwhile, Deputy PM Lê Thành Long takes charge of directing the work concerning institutional building, and building a socialist rule-of-law state; handling international disputes and complaints; education, training and vocational training; labour, employment and social issues; hunger eradication and poverty reduction; culture; tourism; physical education and sports; and health, population, family and children. He will approve the investment policy on the projects in the fields he is assigned.

Deputy PM Hồ Đức Phớc is responsible for overseeing and directing the areas of finance, pricing; monetary policy and banking; capital market and securities market; financial investment; state reserves; state budget expenditures; issuance of government bonds and treasury bonds; wage policy and social insurance; restructuring of state-owned enterprises; general mechanisms and policies on public asset management; and information and communications. He will approve the investment policy on the projects in the fields he is assigned, and still serves as the Minister of Finance until the competent authority completes the process of appointing a new finance minister of finance in line with regulations. 

Deputy PM Bùi Thanh Sơn is in charge of areas regarding diplomacy and foreign relations; official development assistance (ODA) and mobilisation of concessional loans; foreign non-governmental aid, foreign non-governmental organisations; international integration; negotiations and implementation of bilateral and multilateral international commitments; foreign direct investment (FDI) and Việt Nam's investments abroad; Việt Nam's relations with international and regional organisations; border issues and matters related to the East Sea (known internationally as the South China Sea) and islands; affairs concerning overseas Vietnamese and foreigners in Việt Nam; human rights issues; industry; trade - import and export; oil reserve and supply, logistics services; energy security; and science and technology. He also serves as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

In addition to performing the duties outlined above, the Deputy PMs will take other tasks authorised by the PM.

The decision takes effect from August 28, 2024. — VNS

Deputy PM
