Draft law places greater responsibility on Hà Nội as growth driver

May 28, 2024 - 17:30
The draft document includes a dedicated chapter on regional connectivity and development, which highlights Hà Nội’s role as a driver of growth across the capital region and the Red River Delta.
Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyễn Khắc Định chairs the meeting on Tuesday. — VNA/VNS Photo An Đăng

HÀ NỘI — The National Assembly (NA) has discussed amending the law for the capital city, giving Hà Nội more autonomy and responsibility in terms of growth and development, alongside greater decision-making powers.

The draft document includes a dedicated chapter on regional connectivity and development, which highlights Hà Nội’s role as a growth driver in the region and the Red River Delta and specifies preferential investment policies for projects conducted between Hà Nội and other municipalities, rather than limiting it to the capital region.

Speaking at the meeting, NA Deputy Khương Thị Mai from Nam Định Province said that designating the capital city as a special urban area is in line with the current development demands, which also respond to the requirements of enhancing urban quality as stated in the Politburo’s Resolution No 6 and Conclusion No 80.

Noting the feasibility and alignment of the amended capital law to other legal documents, NA Deputy Phan Đức Hiếu from Thái Bình Province said the current draft holds that land plots remaining after the relocation of agencies, departments and units will be turned into public and cultural spaces, which is not sufficient.

He proposed that the law should specify that the purpose of these land plots is promoting cultural and tourism values, rather than residences, which will make the document clearer, more comprehensive and feasible.

Regarding bidding for investors in high-tech zones, Hiếu added that the capital law should specify the authorities that will approve the list of projects for bidding and revise the alignment with the current land law.

Đồng Tháp Province’s NA Deputy Phạm Văn Hòa said he supports the special case to be made for the capital city, but added that it needed to be considered in the light of other regulations.

He added that public educational, vocational and science-technology institutions are allowed to establish businesses in order to commercialise their scientific research results and intellectual properties.

However, allowing public employees, who work at these institutions, to start a business is in question, as the current Law on Cadres and Civil Servants does not let public employees establish or manage companies.

In addition to greater responsibilities and decision-making powers, the capital law amendment also outlines how underground spaces in the city could be used and categorised according to their functions for use and management. Depth limits will be stipulated by the Government.

The draft document also allows the city’s People’s Committee to decide on the establishment and expansion of high-tech zones and their operation regulations, as well as detailing special mechanisms for non-business units in these areas, including the National Innovation Centre at Hòa Lạc Hi-tech Park.

Hà Nội will also be able to authorise controlled trials for new technologies, products, services or new business models in alignment with the city’s management capacity. — VNS
