HANOI, VIETNAM - Media OutReach - 3 February 2021 - OnFebruary 3, 2021, the VinFuture Foundation announced the VinFuture Prize'snomination criteria which put the impact on millions of people in the pastor next ten years at the core. The VinFuture Prize is officially open fornominations until June 7, 2021.
On January 20, 2021,the Inaugural Prize Council Meeting took place. It was agreed that nominationswill be sought from all nations.
The nomination criteriahave been developed and agreed upon by the Prize Council, which comprises 11world-renowned scientists. There are nine key eligibility criteria for theGrand Prize and the three Special Prizes. There are further criteria foreach prize category.
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Membersof VinFuture Prize Council and VinFuture Pre-screening Committee gathered inViet Nam to agree on the nomination criteria.
In the context of theglobal vision for the VinFuture Foundation, the prizes will be awarded forfundamental advances in science and engineering that align with the 17Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, includingeradicating poverty and hunger, enhancing health and quality of life, promotingaccess to quality education, clean water, and renewable energy, reducinginequality or addressing climate change.
What makes the VinFuturePrize's nomination criteria unique is the requirement for clear evidence of theimpact on millions of people in the past or next ten years. Breakthroughs inscience must result in positive impacts for humankind on a global scale. Thisis an integral criterion, consistent with the mission of "creatingmeaningful change in the everyday lives of millions of people by promotingbreakthrough scientific research and technological innovations" that VinFuturehas set forth.
The VinFuture Prizecalls for nominations to be submitted by eligible nominators includingrecognised organisations such as universities, research institutes, nationalacademies of sciences, networks, professional associations, technology andindustrial corporates or businesses, incubators, as well as prominentindividuals in relevant fields.
Prof. SirRichard Henry Friend - Chair of the VinFuture Prize Council commented: "Weneed cooperation on a global scale to tackle the global challenges we now face,such as infectious diseases, public health and climate change. For these, wenow recognise that science and technology must deliver benefits to all peoplesand all nations. The VinFuture prizes will recognise those whose brilliantscience or engineering can have positive impact on the lives of millions ofpeople across the planet."
Concurrentwith the release of the nomination criteria, the VinFuture Prize has officiallyopened its call for nominations worldwide from February 3, 2021 to June 7,2021.
VinFutureFoundation's Founder, Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong -- Chairman of Vingroupremarked: "Apart from recognising exceptional scientists worldwide,VinFuture wishes to promote and bring research work and inventions into lifefor the betterment of humankind. I hope that the VinFuture Prize can discoverand recognise the most deserving scientists and inventors as well as projectsthat bring about great values to millions of people."
TheVinFuture Foundation and VinFuture Prize were introduced on December 20, 2020.As an annual global prize for science and technology, VinFuture Prize is one ofthe most valuable prizes to date with its total prize value of VND104.5 billion(equivalent to US$4.5 million).
Its VND70billion Grand Prize (equivalent to US$3 million) will be awarded to thosewhose groundbreaking research and technological inventions are proven topossibly better the life of humankind and foster a sustainable livingenvironment for future generations. Three special prizes, each at VND11.5billion (equivalent to US$500,000) will be awarded to innovators fromdeveloping countries; female innovators and innovators with outstandingachievements in emerging fields.
TheVinFuture Laureates are selected by an independent Prize Council - a global anddiverse team of distinguished individuals from academia, research and industry,all of whom are globally renowned for their achievements and contribution inthe field of science, technology and industry in advancing human progress.
On January20, 2021, the Inaugural Prize Council Meeting took place. It was agreedthat nominations will be sought from all nations, as set out inwww.vinfutureprize.org.
After themeeting, there have been more than 200 scientists and professors from therecognised universities and research institutes from 20 countries of sixcontinents showing their interest in becoming official nominators for thePrize.
Nominatorsare from different countries and territories ranging from Algeria, Belgium,mainland China, Denmark, France, Ghana, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,Japan, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Nigeria, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, SouthKorea, Sudan, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, to the UnitedStates. Nominators also come from universities such as Cornell University,Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University,Tsinghua University, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania,University of Toronto or Yale University, to name just a few.
Thelaureates will be announced in December 2021 and the official award ceremonywill be held in Viet Nam in January 2022./.
The call fornominations is available at: www.vinfutureprize.org
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Nine major nomination criteria of the VinFuture Prize: