HONG KONGSAR - MediaOutReach - 2 February 2021 - Henderson SunlightAsset Management Limited (the "Manager") and DBS Hong Kong jointly announcethat Sunlight Real Estate Investment Trust ("Sunlight REIT") has secureda HK$500 million sustainability-linked loan today.
Thissustainability-linked loan is unsecured and has a tenure of five years. DBSHong Kong will offer interest margin privileges based on satisfaction ofpredetermined sustainability performance targets relating to environmental andsocial aspects. The proceeds of the loan will be used for general workingcapital.
Mr Alex Cheung,Managing Director and Head of Institutional Banking Group of DBS Hong Kong,said, "At DBS, we believe we can play a significant role in sustainability byfinancing change and changemakers. We are proud to partner with Sunlight REITon its sustainability journey, and are committed to supporting our customers inadvancing their business sustainability goals."
Mr Wu Shiu Kee, Keith,Chief Executive Officer of the Manager, said, "Sunlight REIT has recentlyre-crafted its sustainability strategy framework, of which sustainabilityfinance is ranked at the forefront of our priority list. The socioeconomicimpacts arising from the COVID-19 outbreak demonstrates the importance ofaddressing environmental, social and governance factors. As the manager ofSunlight REIT, we are delighted to partner with DBS Hong Kong on this financingarrangement, which would surely help to reinforce the sustainable position ofSunlight REIT for the benefit of its stakeholders."
DBS is a signatory tothe United Nations Global Compact and is committed to driving progress towardsthe United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in ways that are meaningful toits businesses. This includes acting on climate change by partnering withcorporates in adopting responsible financing practices. Since 2018, DBS hasconcluded over 100 sustainable financing deals amounting to about SG$17.5billion.
DBS is a leadingfinancial services group in Asia with a presence in 18 markets. Headquarteredand listed in Singapore, DBS is in the three key Asian axes of growth: GreaterChina, Southeast Asia and South Asia. The bank's "AA-" and "Aa1"credit ratings are among the highest in the world.
Recognised for its global leadership, DBS hasbeen named "World's Best Bank" by Euromoney, "Global Bank of the Year" by The Banker and "Best Bank in the World" by Global Finance. The bank is atthe forefront of leveraging digital technology to shape the future of banking,having been named "World's Best Digital Bank" by Euromoney. In addition, DBS hasbeen accorded the "Safest Bank in Asia" award by Global Finance for 12consecutive years from 2009 to 2020.
DBS provides a full range of services inconsumer, SME and corporate banking. As a bank born and bred in Asia, DBSunderstands the intricacies of doing business in the region's most dynamicmarkets. DBS is committed to building lasting relationships with customers, andpositively impacting communities through supporting social enterprises, as it banks theAsian way. It has also established a SGD 50 million foundation to strengthenits corporate social responsibility efforts in Singapore and across Asia.
With its extensive network of operations in Asiaand emphasis on engaging and empowering its staff, DBS presents exciting careeropportunities. The bank acknowledges the passion, commitment and can-do spiritin all of our 29,000 staff, representing over 40 nationalities. For moreinformation, please visit www.dbs.com.
Sunlight REIT (Stockcode: 435) is a real estate investment trust authorized by the Securities andFutures Commission and constituted by the trust deed dated 26 May 2006 (asamended and supplemented by six supplemental deeds), and has been listed on TheStock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 21 December 2006. Sunlight REIT offersinvestors the opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio of 11 office andfive retail properties in Hong Kong with a total gross rentable area of over1.2 million sq. ft.. The office properties are primarily located in corebusiness areas, including Wan Chai and Sheung Wan, as well as in decentralizedbusiness areas such as Mong Kok and North Point. The key retail properties aresituated in regional transportation hubs and new towns including Sheung Shui,Tseung Kwan O and Yuen Long.
The informationcontained in this press release does not constitute an offer or invitation tosell or the solicitation of an offer or invitation to purchase or subscribe forunits in Sunlight REIT in Hong Kong or any other jurisdiction.