HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach - 5 January 2021 - TheCOVID-19 epidemic has lasted for nearly a year. The sharp fall in the streettraffic has been affecting core shopping districts everywhere. In addition,under the "Anti-epidemic Fund", the Innovation and TechnologyCommission (ITC) launched the " Distance Business (D-Biz)Programme subsidy. Increasing number of large and medium-sized enterprises haveturned to the online market, setting up websites and opening online shops, inan effort to open up online sales channels to recover some of their businessesduring the epidemic.
As many companies are notfamiliar with website technology, website optimization and SEO promotion areoften ignored. In fact, SEO is one of the highest ROI of many online marketingchannels and it is worthy of a long-term investment.
HKGSEO has performed SEO for more than 500 enterprises, withthe SEO process bringing considerable traffic and sales to the companies.Leveraging on their years of experience, they now provide free website analysis(worth HK$2,000) for all content types. Here are some website analysis projectsHKGSEO has engaged in:
CMS Web Content ManagementSystem
We recommend using themost popular CMS in the market to build a website. Well-known CMS such asWordPress, Wix, Shopline, and Shopify will make it easier to manage web contentand make the website easier to crawl and index by search engines.
HKGSEO hence cautionsagainst web design companies that use their own CMS. Generally speaking, thesewebsites are not SEO friendly. For example, they might have undesirableattributes such as duplicate page titles, dynamic URLs, or category pages thatcannot update new content, etc. These attributes are disadvantageous toimplementing SEO plans, which ultimately leads to the redesigning of the entirewebsite, resulting in a much higher cost.
SSL Website SecurityCertificate
If your website does nothave an SSL certificate (HTTPS) installed, it will be marked as an insecurewebsite by the browser, which will adversely affect the credibility andconversion rate. SSL should be installed immediately to protect customerinformation, especially for e-commerce websites. There are some free SSLsavailable on the market, such as Let's Encrypt, with paid premium certificatesrecommendation by online shops.
Mobile Version of TheWebsite
The latest personalcomputer and Internet penetration survey published by the Census and StatisticsDepartment shows that more than 5.97 million people in Hong Kong have mobilephones, and 99.7% of the users access the Internet on smartphones, higher thanthose connected to computers or other devices. Besides, Google has launched theMobile-First Indexing mobile version of content priority indexing. If yourwebsite does not have a mobile version, the ranking will be poor and a lot oftraffic will be lost.
Website Loading Speed
According to research,more than 68% of viewers will leave a website when it takes more than 3 secondsto open. The main reason for the slow loading is the use of shared hosting ornon-local hosting. Switching to local hosting, SSD or CDN can effectivelyimprove the loading speed.
Website Content
Is the website content ofhigh quality? Does it answer the questions of potential consumers? To build upthe content, some corporate websites have piled up keywords, and some havepublished blog articles regularly. However the content of the articles is sometimesplagiarized from news media. Plagiarism makes search engines recognize theoverall website quality as low, which will in turn affect the ranking.
Websites and online shopsare platforms that promote businesses. An optimized website will reward twicethe results with half the effort of both online and offline marketing campaignscombined.
Please log onto www.hkgseo.com, fill in the website, emailand contact number, and our network promotion experts will reply within oneworking day and arrange a free SEO analysis and consultation.
HKGSEO focuses on websiteSEO services. It is founded and operated by former Google employees. Thecompany is based in Hong Kong and has branches in Shenzhen, Singapore andAustralia. It is committed to providing affordable, one-stop digital marketingsolutions for small and medium-sized enterprises. Digital marketing solutionsinclude: SEO, SEM, social media promotion and web design, etc.
Website (Chinese):www.hkgseo.com
Website (English):www.hkgdigital.com